Daily check in for support and accountability



  • sista67
    sista67 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all. I've been away for a few days, not logging, but still watching what I eat. So, here I am! I didn't weigh in this week. Was scared cuz I went over call a couple days and frankly can't deal with a gain rite now. I know I can do better and will.

    I logged all my meals today, fruit for breakfast and salad for lunch. Still working on dinner. I have a lot of cals left so gonna make it good. Lol.

    My goal rite now is to log everyday and check in here.

    Nice to meet everyone.

    HW 275
    SW 225
    WL ?
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    good to see you again Susan
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hey all! Sorry i didn't really check in since Friday morning.

    Yesterday was fabulous but so busy. My daughter had a volleyball game and I had to be sure she was ready to go and had everything. Her father took her while I ran to a friend's house for a sales party she was hosting. I needed some things from the company, and love hanging out with her, so I made the drive. Then i rushed to the arena because Winter Jam was here (a Christian concert with a TON of bands). You have to get there way early because three arena fills up to the point they start turning people away. The line started at 2pm. I didn't get there until 3 but the rest of my group was already there in line. So thankful for that! Hubby dropped daughter off to the friends in line too. It made for such a fun day but, with the time change this morning and late night last night, a super exhausted morning today. 0jo0q1cuoz3z.jpg
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Saturday, the 11th

    Logged: Yes, but not until the end of the day after I had already eaten everything.....not recommended!
    Under: Yes, barely. It turned out to be a yes this morning, by 5 calories, but last night when I went to bed it was a no by 24 calories!
    Water: Yes, 12 cups
    Exercise: No, just stayed in and did things around the house.
    Steps: 9,371

    @pamperedlinny Great photo of you and your daughter! Looks and sounds like you had a lot of fun!
    @sister67 Welcome back, Susan!
  • sista67
    sista67 Posts: 25 Member
    Good evening. The last couple days have been better. I logged everything and stayed within my cal budget. Haven't been in the community much. And that's not good.
    The time change is messing with me to. It will take a couple of days to get used to it. But I did like it when it was light out around 7pm.
    It's supposed to snow hard from tomorrow night to Wednesday am. That means we will be stuck in the house until Wednesday. I've had enuf of this nonsense, I'm ready for spring. Wicked cabin fever.
    I'm gonna make a list of what I need to get thru and hit the store before work. It's gonna be a mad house. Ppl shop like it's the end of the world. Stock up on everything. It's kinda funny, they're screwed if we loose power. And these are ppl who have lived here for years and they still panic. Thats y I'm going really early, they open at 7 and I'll b there. Lol I'm kinda proud of myself for thinking ahead.

    Haven't had dinner yet but have around 700 cals left. I try and log or right down what I consumed right after I'm done. So I can plan the rest of the day based on what I have left. It helps me keep in check throughout the day.

    No exercise, my EDS is flairing up, causes alot of pain and muscle weskness making everything hard. All I can do is rest my body as much as possible. Pain meds help but I use them sparingly. I need to go back to PT for a refresher course on my exercises, and do them!!!!! Here in lies the problem. I feel good, and lose interest. Self sabotage at its best. Working on that. I need to get stronger again. Start with 2x a week. See, I know what to do I just need to get my butt in gear. It's so hard tho. I don't get why...

    Anyway, need to get dinner. Nite all.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Monday- I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I did pretty well overall. I did go out to dinner and went over my budget on Saturday, but didn't throw caution to the wind.

    Nice to see you Susan and great job logging everything and staying in calorie budget.

    This week I'm working on focusing on the positive accomplishments that I am making rather than my previous habit of beating myself up when I wasn't perfect. I'm never going to be perfect, but I can still reach my goals despite an occasional indulgence.

    I was reading articles on people who have lost and kept weight off. One of the things many of them do is to continue to log their food every day. I am starting to see that as something that I will need to do as well. My previous patterns have been to slip into a "stop logging for a few days" that ultimately reverts right back to not paying attention to my eating.

    Have a good day All, Dianne
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    @JuneWalks Ultra palatable! That's a new one to me but it sure makes sense. Nutella would definitely be on my list. Peanut butter, I love but I don't gorge on it and I find it helpful to me if I am a bit hungry at bedtime. A tablespoon of peanut butter and some skim milk does the trick for me. (Logged, of course!). Nutella is loaded with sugar though. I honestly think it belongs with the canned frosting in the grocery store, NOT with the peanut butter. It really needs to be seen as a dessert, not a sandwich spread and treated as such. Once again, marketing.

    @stevie9960 Welcome!

    As for me, my first weigh in since returning to MFP. I lost 5.7 pounds. I am not foolish enough to think that pace will continue and I well aware that most of that is water weight. Still, whether it be fat or bloat, I had to carry it around and it feels much better to be free of that. I haven't had any wine or beer and, while they are empty calories, they stimulate my appetite and, after having even one glass, I find it impossible to manage my eating. Perhaps that is how the tradition of cocktail hour before dinner got started in the social circles of people not engaged in heavy labor. The alcohol stimulated the appetite making the food seem to taste better. Food for thought.

    SW 172.1
    CW 166.4
    GW 145
    Logged YES!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Sunday, the 12th

    Logged: No
    Under: No
    Exercise: No
    There seems to be a theme here...
    Water: 6 cups
    Steps: 7,871

    Our son and his girlfriend came for dinner. Hadn't spent quality time with them since the holidays.
    I need to get back to purposeful walks and logging my food. Took a break this weekend and the scale is obviously not moving downward!

    @Ann262 Congratulations on a very successful first weigh-in!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    sista67 wrote: »
    Good evening. The last couple days have been better. I logged everything and stayed within my cal budget. I try and log or right down what I consumed right after I'm done. So I can plan the rest of the day based on what I have left. It helps me keep in check throughout the day.

    @sista67 Great strategy!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    3/8: 195.6 lb
    3/9: 195.2 lb
    3/11: 194.2 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.

    Yesterday didn't go as planned at all, but that was because it was better than planned!

    I went out with 2 friends for lunch. I pre-planned what I wanted to order. One of these ladies is one of my closest friends and the other was someone I am just getting to know. My "going out for maybe 2 hours after church" turned into 9 hours out with my new friend! When the lady that I'm close with went to work we kept hanging. We went into Ollie's, ran down to Home Goods (she had never been in Home Goods), kept just poking around some discount stores all on the same strip of road. Kept talking in the car. It was amazing. She is definitely one of my new favorite people. I'm so happy to be friends with her now! Those 9 hours felt like a third of that time. It just flew.

    Since we were out so long, we also got dinner. Since that was unplanned I had to pick something on the fly. It was Mexican so I almost ordered things I know I shouldn't have. I mean, who doesn't love burritos or taquitos or all the things covered in cheese? However, I'm so glad I kept to my boundaries. I ordered the carne asada dinner.... thin but juicy pieces of steak, grilled spring onions, grilled jalapenos, grilled cactus, shredded lettuce, pico de gallo.... I didn't even need the tortillas, rice or beans. It was amazing!

    @dogwalker157 I told my husband this just last week. I think I need to plan to log everything forever. It doesn’t sound fun, but I always put more on when I stop logging. I start over estimating and then I start just eating whatever appeals. Then I’m back where I started.

    @Ann262 Congrats on the weight loss!
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    @HASWRLS you may not have logged but you spent quality time with people who are important to you.

    @pamperedlinny What an amazing day! Good for you staying within boundaries and that looks delicous. No goopy cheese sauce needed!

    @dogwalker157 , I too may have to plan and log forever. I sometimes wish I could just "make good choices" without a plan. I guess I can't and it really isn't that hard, planning and logging.
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Ann262 - yes in the book The End of Overeating David A Kessler says palatability in the science world means it makes you want more, and the other term is hyperpalatable. I am the same - the Nutella just disappeared but the peanut butter is still there - I can only eat so much of that and it is not so moreish, but I am finding I have gone off nut butter... The Nutella is only 13% hazelnuts and is made by the same people who make the Ferrero Rocher chocolates. It is found on the spreads isle with jam etc over here.

    As for me - I had a minor meltdown yesterday - so frustrated with having no energy - so I have got myself some vitamins and have decided to drastically reduce my MFP usage for a while (until the 26th April when the BLC52 doors open).
    Also, hubby is off work for 2 weeks from Friday so I will try and make that time as computer-free as possible. I will still track on Nutracheck though as that is really helpful for seeing what I'm really eating in terms of nutrients. Just wanted to let you know in case you wonder why I went quiet :-) My plan until BLC52 starts is mainly no snacks, no sweet foods and walk more.

    Annie in the uk
    Focus on the process and the results will take care of themselves
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫

  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    edited March 2023

    @JuneWalks Fatigue can get to me too. I am sorry to see you disappear for awhile but you must do what's best for you. :)

    I was sooooo tired yesterday but had a good night's sleep last night. And looking forward to being more active this week.

    I am feeling so much better after a week of eating more mindfully, planning meals and actually feeding my body rather that just stuffing it with whatever.

    This last weekend, I competed with my dog. I noticed that my ability to stay connected with him and focus on the task at hand was so much better after a week of good nutrition, hydration and rest.

    Big Win!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday my husband took off work because our daughter had off school. As someone working from home…. That was fun. To make it more fun, she had a friend spend the night on Sunday night and was here all day. Add in daylight savings and that it takes me at least a week to really get back on track, it is our fiscal year end for work and I do collecting and account clean ups, all 3 of them interrupting or running around the house yesterday….. after I made dinner I just sat on the sofa with my book and didn’t do much else. No exercise. No going out. No nothing. I’m still exhausted this morning. Oh well.

    Tonight I’m going to Zumba. My daughter’s volleyball team is practicing at the same time as the Zumba class and at the same building so this works well. Then we’re both going to jump in the gym showers for a super quick clean up and meet friends at our local tea shop for trivia night. I’m actually looking forward to an after workout pot of tea, maybe picking up a small slice of cake or cookie, and feeling like I don’t know a thing during trivia. Last time the highlight was that I knew Barbie’s last name. I didn’t know hardly any other questions but it’s still fun.

    @JuneWalks we’ll miss seeing you but enjoy your time away from the computer and with your husband! Those times are so important.

    @Ann262 That's great you were able to focus better. I definitely notice that when I let myself slip in areas like sleep and hydration that it's harder to do things now. I never used to make that connection back when I didn't track these things.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,

    @JuneWalks- I will miss your insightful posts but glad you are taking care of yourself.

    @Ann and Pampered- you are both an inspiration for me. I really appreciate reading your posts and seeing how you approach the daily challenges.

    I'm about to start week 3. I will weigh tomorrow, but I do feel better already.

    Have a great day All

  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    @pamperedlinny That sounds like fun. I don't know Barbie's last name. LOL!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Ann262 Barbie's last name is Roberts. My daughter has watched so many of the Barbie movies and TV shows that I knew the answer instantly. :D There are a ton of facts at this link.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    This is so much better than LinkedIn! I got off Facebook years and years ago. Instagram about a year ago. Never TikTok. So it's down to LinkedIn, and that so profesh. That to say I'm happy to hear from everyone on here.

    I stopped at exercise when I got a bunch of muscle spasms every night. Long story short, I can get back to walking and PT. I'm so happy since I'm actually losing weight and I'm sticking to my habits. I felt like a football player on the bench. I wanted to get back in and do more. So I can today. Headed out now.

    Best to you all until Wednesday. Oh that's tomorrow!! Happy pi Day 🎊
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    Linda – I’m 40 years old and 5’7”
    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    3/8: 195.6 lb
    3/9: 195.2 lb
    3/11: 194.2 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.

    Does anyone else’s child take their money to the book fair and not buy a single book? We now have a giant cat with strawberry milk poster, stickers, “fun” pens (the body of the pen has balls in it so you can tip it back and forth or other fidget type things), another actual fidget toy, and a bunch of stickers. I keep hoping my child with want the books. Sigh.

    Trivia was great. I didn’t know much of anything last night…. But we had some people on our team that knew things and actually came in first for once. It’s a small place and only have about 8 teams, I think. Still, I’ll get a free bubble tea or pot of hot tea next time I go in. Yay!

    Also, I forgot to post this yesterday. I run a blog with recipes and products I find. I only post a recipe about every 2 weeks. If anyone wants the newest one for how I bulk up my taco meat you can find it at https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/bulked-up-taco-meat

    Today I have to go see my allergist, get shots, etc. I never feel great after all of that so it will be a slow night at home if I get my way.

    @harringtona1 So glad you can get back to moving! I’m on social media way too much. Then again, I keep hoping someone important will see my recipes and decide I can get paid to create those all day instead of sitting at a desk and doing accounting forever. Since that’s a pipe dream, I’ll just keep posting and dreaming… and working on spreadsheets until the end of time.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,

    @ann262- How fun- how long have you been competing with your dog? Looks like a great activity for both person and dog. My dog loves to run and catch, but we've never done any agility.
    On another note...Great that you were able to eat when you were hungry rather than starving yourself and not sleeping. That is the mindset I am aiming for. Actually taking care of ourselves- what a concept :)

    @pampered- I admire that you manage to fit in that zumba class, despite what seems to be a very busy day. I need to find something that I enjoy like that. I haven't tried zumba but my gym does offer it and it looks like a lot more fun than the treadmill. I'm a bit intimidated because I don't have a lot of rhythm coordination.

    I weighed in this morning and lost 1.5 lbs. I'm happy with it and know that it took some effort to do. When I was younger and put in the effort the weight came off a bit faster. Hopefully the slower pace is helpful in making lifelong habits though. Have a great day All