ArvinSloane Member

  • Re: Rate this workout?

    To be blunt: this isn't very balanced, doesn't include a progression scheme, the exercises aren't in any kind of logical order, and it would take you forever. I'd recommend looking at a progressive p…
  • Re: Body Type

    I'm an Animorph. ;) In all seriousness, the concept of somatotypes was never based in sound science and has been debunked.
  • Re: Preworkout suggestions?

    I just take a 200mg caffeine pill. Gets the job done without any pesky coffee or spending $$.
  • Re: Shoes for gym training

    Would this be for lifting? If so, you need the exact opposite of a running shoe--you want a solid, flat, stable base. No squish. Many people use Converse/Chucks; I myself am a fan of Vans classic sli…
  • Re: Gym stalkers?

    I think Sonya makes a really good point, and there's got to be a way to do that with some boundaries. Often with people that you know are like this, it helps to set a boundary at the very top of the …