BoxerBrawler Member

  • Re: Cut cycle question

    Thanks so much! This is all really good information and makes sense to me! I did track my body fat percentage when I was gaining and the number only went up by a couple of percent so there was some m…
  • Re: Just Sayin'

    Thanks! I mean five years ago I was almost 200 LBs and lazy, unhealthy. Now I am a buck 20 with muscle and training in serious martial arts and climbing the ranks. There's nothing I can't do physical…
  • Just Sayin'

    Just want to say that I am pretty damn proud of myself. Last night after a two hour sparring and stress test I earned my yellow belt (First Rank) in Muay Thai. It was extremely difficult and I was li…
  • Re: Help with Cravings!!!!!

    Just say no :smile: practice will-power and discipline. The longer you go without it the less you'll crave it.
  • Re: Should women lift heavy?

    Women lift babies and children. Women lift heavy bags of groceries. Women lift big bulky vacuum cleaners. Women lift huge tubs of cleaning supplies. Women lift spirits. Women lift huge baskets of dir…