BoxerBrawler Member

  • Re: GBOMBS

    Yes! I wish I had started this years ago as well! The feeling not only physically but mentally is quite incredible :smile: I am the same, I keep my eye on B12 but really don't have too. It's amazing …
  • Re: GBOMBS

    Really? and what does skinny or fat have to do with anything? I am just sharing some information on some nutrition that I find pleasing. If you don't like or don't agree... well I don't know what to …

    Switching over to a GBOMB plan has been amazing! Not saying its for everyone and not saying any other food choice or plan choice is better or worse, good or bad. Just for me personally making 90% of …
  • Re: Garlic Diet

    I read about a garlic and grapefruit diet that just melts the pounds away but only when you're in ketosis in-between IF after just coming off a paleo diet but only before the first cheat day of the m…
  • Re: Meal Planning Ideas

    Here's a sample of something that would be appropriate for an adult with type-1 diabetes. Remember this is just a guide and should be discussed with his doctor and adjusted according to his activity,…