BoxerBrawler Member

  • Re: GBOMBS

    Thank you! someone who actually read the post and didn't just pick out the words they wanted to be bitter about!
  • Re: The Amazing Chickpea

    Agree - Palm oil is terrible for the environment as far as the media is concerned. But I still had to at least try it.

    Switching over to a GBOMB plan has been amazing! Not saying its for everyone and not saying any other food choice or plan choice is better or worse, good or bad. Just for me personally making 90% of …
  • I feel OK again

    Sorry in advance for the ramble.... It has been one year and two months since I lost my sister. Her dead was totally unexpected and tragic and happened in two days. There was that dreaded middle of t…
  • Re: Sad lady

    I didn't shame her at all, and I don't demonize foods. Eat whatever... you could just tell by her demeanor that she'd given up. At least for today.