Djproulx Member

  • Re: How often do you exercise ?

    I'm guessing that most/all folks who answer your poll would be fairly active, given that this is posted in the Fitness thread. My answer is also "none of the above", since my weeks are typi…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    For those of us who really love training, recovery is so important. Not only for how we feel today, but also to keep the cumulative fatigue in check so we get to race day healthy. Seems like you are …
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    That's a fairly stiff training load right out of the gate, including the run training, which is a new stressor. You have a nice long run way to reach your race day, so I'd say enjoy the recovery day!
  • Re: Will I ever run fast again?

    I'm an aging endurance athlete of 64 yrs. If I understand your post, it seems as if you're not happy with your performance during the high intensity circuits. No worries - You're not alone :) Most of…
  • Re: Personal trainer advice

    In addition to the good suggestions you have received, I'll offer my two cents based on working with personal trainers for over 10 years. First, I might consider moving to a different gym. If the tra…