Dorchi22 Member

  • I THOUGHT I messed it all up

    I had a bit of a revelation which made me feel better about my weight loss journey, so I'd like to share. Two days ago I went for a family gathering, where I had a smaller-than-regular pizza, with ve…
  • Re: Husband's need censors

    Wow, this is a very toxic environment to be in and I'm sorry that you got into it in the first place. Your patience with such an *kitten*hole is incredible. I'm personally more of a "one strike …
  • Re: Sugar addict seeking help.

    I'm on a 28/90 day no sugar challenge, and what keeps me going is seeing how better my clothes fit me. It becomes easier to say no to people who offer sweets, and sweets in general. Another thing tha…
  • Re: What is your "Petty" Reason to Lose Weight?

    Petty reason: because everyone knows me my whole life as being fat. Not-so-petty reason: if I ever meet someone who will fall in love with me as much as I fall in love with them, (at 34yo soon it see…
  • Re: Unexpected downsides of losing weight

    I'm 21 days into MFP calorie counting, and for the last week my digestion has slowed down, even though I avoid processed food as much as possible, and I exercise regularly. I think it's just a passin…