Graelwyn75 Member

  • Re: U.K. FRIENDS

    U.K. Here. I am also on here to maintain and to try and get back to my former level of fitness which I achieved three years ago whilst on here. Feel free to add me.
  • Re: How do you overcome temptations?

    I focus on the fact that I like having a nice, balanced food diary. I might have the occasional binge, but generally, I save temptations until Saturday, other than the odd cookie, piece of chocolate …
  • Re: Feeling down

    I have decades of anorexia and bulimia behind me. Aside from occasionally slipped into weight obsession I have gotten past most of it. I made my focus getting as fit and strong as I could and found t…
  • Re: Best Tip You Received?

    I have noted quite a few tips during the time I religiously studied this forum and it's posts. 1) Keep your calorie intake as high as you can get away with whilst still being low enough to lose weigh…
  • Re: I feel guilty

    You have lost the weight and you are below the dress size. 1200 calories is frequently too little for people and as a nurse, I would imagine you are fairly active so I am not surprised you are having…