Jayj180894 Member

  • Alcohol

    Can I drink as much alcohol as I like as long as it is in my calorie deficit and still lose weight?
  • Jog/running

    I want to learn how to jog or run I can bearly jog a whole minute atm if that. I want to be one of those people you see just jogging about, but I don't feel like I can do it or ever be able to do it.…
  • Re: Fat?!

    I'm not going to lie I also like playing with it 😂 it's good as well cos if I stand to the side in the mirror I can pull it to the side somewhat, put my arm down the side and I can see what I'd look …
  • Re: Fat?!

    I do have loose skin but the fat I'm talking about feels very different. I know this sounds gross but it feels like a bean bag. You can feel each "bean" it is gross 😂😂
  • Re: Jog/running

    Thank you everyone. You've all made me feel better about giving it ago. It's been on my mind for weeks now and I just haven't had it in me to put my shoes on and go! Thank you