MarziPanda95 Member

  • Re: It's NOT a Diet rather a Lifestyle Change

    No kind of lifestyle change is going to make a difference to most autoimmune diseases... a select few exceptions - Crohn's, perhaps, since certain foods may trigger problems that others don't, and ty…
  • Re: Military Diet??

    They are. Animals who graze all day stay lean because grass/tree leaves/etc have basically almost no calories. They're also usually big animals (cows and giraffes come to mind) so they need a lot of …
  • Re: margarine or butter

    Your father-in-law needs a new job then, because that's not how the human body works. It doesn't get 'confused'. That's not how chemicals work, either. Everything is made from chemicals. Fruit and ve…
  • Re: 5'6 - 5'7 before and after pics please!

    I'm 5'7! I don't have any pictures of me at my highest weight (210lbs) because I hated myself too much. Image on the left is me at about 190lbs. Other images are between 145-150lbs. I'm still not at …
  • Re: Lying to your doctor

    Once or twice I've exaggerated to get the treatment and/or tests that I knew I needed. For example, when I was 18 I started getting an odd rash whenever I scratched my skin even lightly. After some i…