Lying to your doctor



  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I've definitely lied to my doctor when I was nursing my kid so I could get meds I needed w/o having to wean. (The meds in question were safe. I'd done my research, the doc simply wasn't knowledgeable about meds and breastfeeding.)

    Sometimes it's a necessary evil.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am honest with my doctor and would prefer to be one of the statistic that is honest. I am in health care and prefer honesty over withholding information for my health. (She says while waiting in the car for someone who is in the doctor's office. Life is weird)

    Also I don't pay out of pocket for routine health care. Thank you Canada.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When asked the alcohol question I answer 1 or 2 drinks .... a year. I'm a recovering teetotaler.

    I do lie to my dentist all the time, about how often I floss. What's the point? The evidence is right in front of them.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    I try and be as honest as possible with my GP. I can't see a point otherwise. I have been known to give only the most pertinent information to other doctor's, though.
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    edited April 2017
    That seems unbelievable so I tried looking it up. Do you have a link to the article?

    I found one, but this article reports in general 30% of women and 23% of men lie or withhold information.

    (I miss read to article and corrected myself)
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2017
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2017
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Gee. Your finger stick blood sugar reads 497.

    Take it again! Take it in my other finger on the other hand!

    Okay. I get 503 this time. Did you eat anything like ice cream or pizza recently? Like the ice cream and pizza they're serving on the 1st floor leftover from the birthday party?

    NO! All I had was a cup of black coffee. Check your machine! It always gives bad readings. Cheap piece of junk!

    You literally have some nurse or other individual routinely pricking people's fingers and handling their blood in the office??? Bringing in the same "machine" each time (your reference to how it "always" gives bad readings)? This happens?

    I honest to God have never heard of such a thing. I can't imagine the S-storm of someone getting sick and suing the office for throwing the employees' blood around. Anything could happen, or at least be accused to have happened, under circumstances of handling blood in a public, non-hospital/non-medical place that way. Just odd.

    How often do they prick your blood? Is this a routine thing? I just have never heard of this.

    p.s. As much as it may be human nature to lie to cover faults, it is equally human nature to use hyperbole to draw positive comparisons of oneself to others. It's one way to keep insisting to ourselves that we are superior, and alone; the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world is inferior, and bumbling, and stupid, and oaf-like (i.e. the screaming, raging, 500+ BG - wouldn't that person be dead? Or no..? - idiot slamming cake into his face and screaming that he never ate a thing). The fact that a majority of people tend to be the one, singular, enlightened non-oaf simply is the opposite of logic, given simple math, doesn't seem to stop the practice.

    We're seeing all sorts of aspects of human nature on this's actually kind of interesting.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Daddy78230 wrote: »
    That seems unbelievable so I tried looking it up. Do you have a link to the article?

    I found one, but this article reports in general 30% of women and 23% of men lie or withhold information.

    (I miss read to article and corrected myself)

    Oh, I believe it (and think about the irony of self-reporting in light of the subject ;) ).

    I mean...little things. Even something like flossing...I'm sure many people say "yes" when the dentist asks whether they floss, or they say "yes" even if it's not regular/routine.

    I would bet my duodenum that a technical majority (50% or greater) of adults have lied or will lie, even in some small way or by omission, and even if for fairly innocent reasons - embarrassment, just want to get out of there fast, don't have time to/don't wish to go into certain details, etc., etc. - or for bigger ones, to a medical professional at some point.

    I obviously could be wrong. There can be no way to support this with numbers, it's just a feeling I have, and experience of a lifetime of hearing similar little stories from friends, family members and the like.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Lots of moms that I know lie to pediatricians who pretend to be parenting experts instead of medical doctors.

    Exactly this. I can't recall lying to my doctor, but I have to my children's. I go for medical advice not so my parenting can be judged. I'm all for keeping an eye out for the health and safety of all kids but some questions are so invasive.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I've lied to my doctor. I was also lying to myself at the time.

    I've since stopped lying to myself. Changed doctors and become one of those (probably annoying) idiots who say EVERYTHING and then some. I've since figured out that I'll just dump all the information and let the doctor worry about what's important and not and let her ask any follow up questions she might need to.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    The only time I remember lying to my doctor was back in highschool when I was sick and was not able to study properly for an exam (was a straight A student), so I over-exaggerated my symptoms to get more time to study.

    This makes me think that lying may not be just to hide things, but some people may feel their symptoms deserve more attention and care, especially if their doctors is typically dismissive.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Once or twice I've exaggerated to get the treatment and/or tests that I knew I needed. For example, when I was 18 I started getting an odd rash whenever I scratched my skin even lightly. After some internet research (I know, I know, but hear me out!) I discovered they were petechial rashes/bruises. That means the blood vessels under my skin were bleeding at light scratches. There are several reasons someone might get this, but they're all worrying. I went to the GP. He seemed totally unconcerned and wasn't even going to give me a blood test. So I exaggerated. I said I was exhausted (I was more tired than usual but not exhausted). I said I bruised at the lightest feather touch. I said I was getting headaches, I said I was paler than usual. He then decided to book me a blood test. They were backed up and said it would be a few weeks, but thankfully my dad also bought the act and booked me a test at the hospital the next day. So along we went. They took the blood. They called us an hour later saying we needed to go straight back to the hospital. My dad said it sounded like they were going to admit me, and they did. The crook of my elbow where they took the blood did not stop bleeding for 4 hours.
    Platelets, for people who don't know, are the part of your blood which helps clotting. Without them, your blood won't clot. Normal platelet count is 150-350. Mine was less than ten. I was diagnosed with ITP (my immune system was attacking my platelets) and kept in the hospital for two days for treatment. If I had gotten a cut, or a bang to the head, my life would have been in danger.
    Yes, I know doctors are trained. I know they know more than me, I know they're smart. But sometimes we know our bodies better than they do, and sometimes they overlook things. I knew what was happening to me wasn't normal and I knew I needed someone to listen to me. It wasn't happening, so I did what I had to. So yes, I lied to a doctor. But it possibly saved my life.

    I found your story interesting since my son was diagnosed with ITP with a platelet count of zero 7yrs ago. I don't lie to doctors. I flat out ask them what they'd do in my situation (or whatever is going on) and then tell them I'll be doing the exact opposite of what they say. It saved my son more then once from bleeding out when his platelets were zero for so long and kept my MIL alive years longer then they said she would live. For the most part, (with perhaps the exception of ER doctors and surgeons), I consider most medical doctors idiots. I tell them straight up front that they work for me and if they want my money they'll do what I tell them to. Works every time. The thought of losing money made one oncologist throw his hands in the air and tell me "fine! I'll give you your da*n irradiated blood!" When I was telling him what he was going to do for my MIL. The second I told him we'd walk our money out the door he gave me what I wanted. Nope. I don't lie to doctors. I make them work for my money and do what I want. And when it came to my kid's health, the threat of a lawsuit and having my name on the hospital was enough to get her to let me walk out of her office with my son and never see her or her colleagues again. Nope. I don't lie to them. I tell them exactly what I think and I have no fear in doing so.
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    I took my 90 year old MIL to the doctor, it went like this:

    The form asking if you have certain conditions, she checks NO to everything.
    I said "You have high blood pressure and high cholesterol."
    She says "No I don't, I take pills for that"

    The doctor asks if she takes any medication
    She does admit to the prescription meds but doesn't mention the whole array of supplements and vitamins she takes
    So I tell the doctor

    The doctor asks if she has fallen lately
    She says "No"
    WTH! This is why we are at the doctor!

    The doctor asks if she has broken any bones
    She says "No"
    Even though she broke her wrist 2 months earlier!
    I told the doctor
    She says "It wasn't broken, it was fractured"

    Turns out she had a para-thyroid problem requiring surgery, her fudging the truth could have killed her.
  • RUNucbar
    RUNucbar Posts: 160 Member
    I have lied to my doctor because he asks totally irrelevant questions and if I answer it won't leave time for the actual issue.
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    edited April 2017
    Not much point in it, that I can see. It can hurt no one but yourself to lie to them.
    Drink very little (a glass of wine on holidays at most). Don't smoke. Don't take any prescription or illegal drugs. At the very least, I get weighed, and BP every visit. What you see is what you get.
    Besides, I don't remember the last time I saw my doctor. It is always a nurse practitioner or an RN.