NeahF Member

  • Best Advice Given After Overeating

    I think every few weeks I will go completely berserk with my food. Like, raiding the fridge in the first am hours, pancakes, whipped cream, cookies, and like five bowls of cereal. I texted a friend (…
  • Clean Eating (Experience?)

    Hey, so with clean eating, which is mostly natural, earth stuff, right? So veggies, fruits, and meats and things you don't have to add to, they just are? Well, how strict is clean eating? If you've t…
  • How do you know how many calories you burned?

    I don't wear a Fitbit. I don't track my steps. I do workouts like the following: 10 hill sprints (30-40m), Weight training, CrossFit, jump rope. I know calories burned depends on weight and muslce ma…
  • Re: Clean Eating (Experience?)

    Woah, was not expecting this! But thanks for that input 😂 Seems like you have some dirt on clean eaters.
  • Re: Clean Eating (Experience?)

    [/quote] Some people like to focus on eating more whole foods and less processed stuff. I am vegetarian and although you can be a veggie and eat junk, I try my best to eat a mostly plant based (non-j…