Sharon_C Member

  • Re: exercise: what if i HATE EVERYTHING?

    Sounds like you want an easy fix. There is no easy fix. Whatever you decide to do--calorie counting, Weight Watchers, exercising--you'll have to commit to it and work at it. Losing weight is hard and…
  • Re: Starting from less than nothing

    Good for you for finding your passion! Do a Google search of Diamond Dallas Yoga. He works with overweight people to help them with flexibility, yoga and weight loss. He starts people from ground zer…
  • Re: Meal Prepping Sucks

    I meal prepped for a while and hated it. It took up my whole Sunday and I dreaded it and resented it. So I stopped. And my life was much less stressful. And I've been successful in my health goals. S…
  • Re: Body Toning after loosing

    Sounds like your dietitian has no idea what she's talking about. Why would she discourage you from weight training? The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. How fast have you lost the we…
  • Re: Why am I still so heavy?!

    I disagree. Weighing yourself every day will give you data on how your body holds sodium, water fluctuations, what your body does at that time of the month. You will see trends and be able to see why…