Tilliesmommy1 Member

  • Re: Serial Starters

    Happy Tuesday, Dropped off the planet. Too hot to remember everything. So here I am, catching up. I asked neighbor who fixes cars to put coolant in my car a/c - I was not surprised when the thing was…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Good evening, We could be in for a 2 week heat wave with really hot temps. My issue is not wanting to exercise when it is so hot. I do smaller walks, but that also means smaller totals. I figure it c…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Happy Monday eve, happy part is the eve- 99 degrees here at 7pm. Just gross. I am trying to drink more water and the air quality is stinko. I am trying to get extra steps in, but wont overdo. Wishing…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    It is our fiscal year end and I am so happy to be done. Why is some of my best thinking done in the bathroom? I thought of a commercial for my company. I told my manager as I am not in Marketing (who…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Hello,its Tuesday Someone at work wrote how angry she was when she thought it was Wednesday only to find it was Tuesday -end of our fiscal year is just so much fun. Made a macaroni and cheese baked, …