anubis609 Member

  • Re: 4 year sign in

    Congrats! I'm creeping up on 9 years logging in and this app provided me with just enough neuroticism to become a numberphile with login days. #dontheaddownthispath
  • Re: How accurately do you track?

    I have a long standing history of tracking with neurotic accuracy for years. I technically don't need to track anymore since I can roughly eyeball macros and serving sizes with 90% accuracy, but I ke…
  • Re: Of refeeds and diet breaks

    I'm skimming through this thread, so if it's been said prior, please refresh my memory.. are you overfat enough to be rigidly adhering to a 6 day deficit/1 day maintenance period for months? The unde…
  • Re: What made you fat?

    Scientifically, consuming an excess of calories. Psychologically, engaging in every activity that led to a promotion of self-destructive behavior so I could create a negative feedback cycle to valida…
  • Re: Of refeeds and diet breaks

    Happy Monday all. For anyone that needs a refresher of what result chasing entails, enjoy this post by Aadam Ali