ceiswyn Member

  • Re: What nobody tells you about losing weight

    OHMYGODS ...I have just experimented and discovered that I can wrap my thumb and pinky finger around my wrist. Easily. I had no idea that was a thing. Along related lines, definitely nobody told me t…
  • Re: Lost 8kg in 2 months

    Dude, I went from 385 lb to 150 lb, and from completely sedentary due to ankle problems to viewing a 14 mile hike as a gentle amble. Am I motivating you now? I'm 42 btw.
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I just joined the local branch of the Ramblers Association. I’ve done a fair bit of solo hiking now, but I don’t know many trails and I need to get practice at hiking in company before the big charit…
  • Re: May Challenge: Maintainers Back on Track Thread

    Name: ceiswyn How long in maintenance: 7 months Goal maintenance range: 10 st 5 - 10 st 9 Current weight: 10 st 8 Current goal: Get back down to a 'true' (not water-loss-assisted) 10 st 7 without suf…
  • Re: Loose skin

    Loose skin does tighten up to some extent, but it takes time - up to two years. It also tends to look worst at the 'slightly overweight' stage because there's still enough subcutaneous fat to pull it…