cherys Member

  • Re: What worked for you today?

    What worked for me today was a client bringing me a big bag of chocolate pralines and me realising I didn't want them any where near as much as I want to lose weight. So when my husband ate one in fr…
  • Re: Never Again :(

    I know what you mean Novus and Oneka. I know they'd not say anything at all - they're not rude, so why not go and enjoy myself. But I don't think I would enjoy myself. I'd be so self-conscious. They'…
  • Never Again :(

    The temperature in the UK is hotter than Jamaica today. Some friends invited me to go wild swimming with them. That's something i have always wanted to do. It's even high up on my bucket list. But I …
  • Re: 55-65 year old women's success?

    I'm 56 and a month ago started working out with a personal trainer four times a week. Started feeling stronger and more energetic but saw no weight loss. So I came back to MFP to log the calories and…
  • staying motivated in a house of snackers

    My husband buys loads of sweet and savoury snacks for himself and our teenagers each week. I've suggested cutting down - it's not good for them, but he just leaves it a few days they buys as normal. …