everher Member

  • Re: JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9

    Round 8 ending weight: 166.8 Goal for this round: 165.8 07/02: 166.6 - right direction, but yesterday I went over my calories and I'll be off work for the next couple of days which always disrupts my…
  • Re: Time to admit: I'm having a problem

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother a little over a year ago. As insane as this sounds to you now, it does get better with time. I will always miss my mother, but it doesn't feel how it did …
  • Re: JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9

    Round 8 ending weight: 166.8 Goal for this round: 165.8 07/02: 166.6 - right direction, but yesterday I went over my calories and I'll be off work for the next couple of days which always disrupts my…
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in July 2017

    Starting weight: 211 on 10/23 July starting weight: 168.2 on 6/25 I will weigh in on Sundays. 7/2: 166.6 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 Total pounds lost in July (so far) : 1.6 lbs
  • Re: JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9

    Round 8 ending weight: 166.8 Goal for this round: 165.8 07/02: 166.6 - right direction, but yesterday I went over my calories and I'll be off work for the next couple of days which always disrupts my…