JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9



  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Round 8 ending weight: 166.8
    Goal for this round: 165.8

    07/02: 166.6 - right direction, but yesterday I went over my calories and I'll be off work for the next couple of days which always disrupts my schedule.
    07/03: 165.6 - I'm guessing I'm losing some water weight. Let's see if I can't try to maintain this or get below it.
    07/04: 165.2 - over 20k steps yesterday and under calories.
    07/05: 166.0 - didn't get much sleep last night and I was slightly over calories yesterday. back to the grind.
    07/06: 166.8 - I've been doing this since October and it's still hard to see an uptake on the scale when I know I've been doing everything right even though I know it's water weight.

    Also, shout out to everyone: y'all are killing it.
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6
    Round 7 - 140.6
    Round 8 - 139.4

    07/02 140.2
    07/03 141.2 This 10 days will be filled with a lot of eating & drinking: 2 days of lake parties & 4 days of camping. I'm ok with going up a few lbs so I can enjoy myself!
    07/04 142.0 Another night out on the town
    07/05 143.0
    07/06 142.0
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    Your Round 9, My Round 3
    Goal this round to maintain until travel is over on July 16.

    SW ?? Was164.5 when I left home on 6/27
    Day Weight Comments
    7/2 Traveling to our daughter's in Broken Arrow, OK
    7/3 Everyone slept late, did not weigh
    7/4 169.5 Finally weighed and I was up 5#. Due in part to eating poorly, eating salt, and bathroom habit being messed up by travel.
    7/5 Got up late, doing a quilt shop hop with my daughter. Didn't weigh.
    7/6 165 I knew it would drop when I got moving!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    Is there an easy way to find my previous post????
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    edited July 2017
    Starting weight 148
    Starting weight end of Round 8 Challenge 133.8
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate goal 130

    07/02 - 137 YIKES!!! This is a good reminder why I don't eat the way I did last night on any kind of regular basis! It tasted better than it felt. And I knew while I was eating that I would regret it in the morning. Lesson learned. And I have already repented and ran 5 miles this morning. Hopefully it won't take the entire challenge to get back to where I was and a little less (I hope). Shameful :(
    07/03 - 133.8 Much better. Forward, March! So to the speak. Got in my gym workout today. May try and squeeze in another tomorrow before Independence Day celebrations. Happy and safe 4th of July everyone.
    07/04 - 133.8 Went to the gym this morning and minding my eating so far on this holiday.
    07/05 - 133.2 woohoo!!! I am thrilled. Going out of town the last 4 days of this challenge. Would love to get 133 to stick. Today is a rest day (always dangerous). But will be pounding the pavement tomorrow morning in the hot Florida heat. Always trying to be mindful with eating. Happy hump day all <3.
    07/06 - 133.8 YoYo
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member

    Y'all, I need some advice. I went on the scale this morning and it said 260.6, I didn't think it was right so I moved it, it read 265.6, so I moved it again and it read 266.6 :unamused: so I left it there...should I have just kept it as the first one [even if it is extremely unrealistic]..any advice will do! It is just somewhat discouraging when the scale says 3 different things. :/
    Happy Thursday, yall!

    As others have said, you need your scale on a hard level floor, preferable on the same spot each time.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    R9- 143.8

    Day Weight Comments
    07/02 143.8
    07/03 143.6
    07/04 143.6
    07/05 143.6
    07/06 144.8
  • JuneFortune
    JuneFortune Posts: 129 Member
    Day. Weight. Comments
    07/02 163 lbs Survived a birthday party yesterday with no damage done!
    07/03 164 lbs That was not supposed to happen!
    07/04 164 lbs
    07/05 164 lbs Practising patience......
    07/06 165 lbs Meeting with lunch provided yesterday proved too tempting!
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I weigh daily... naked .... and afraid.

    SW 07-01 197.8

    07-02 198.2
    07-03 200.0
    07-04 199.7 Almost forgot to log here.

    Me too girl! Lol
  • FAR_from_FAT
    FAR_from_FAT Posts: 100 Member
    Round 9

    SW: 164.4

    07/03-162.8 I hit my 20lb marker woohoo! Half way to my goal before reevaluating.
    07/04-163.2 I decided to splurge lastnight since I was already over on calories and knew I would be home for the holiday, so I could control what I ate.
    07/05-162.8 I'm starting to figure out this whole up and down weight mind game. I'm in 3 challenges so I can't remember which one I read it on.... Anyone struggling with the scale please download the trending app, I'm Android so I use Libra and then Read about squishy fat and woosh you will be amazed. I know I feel so much better about facing the scale everyday now!!!!
    07/06- 161.6 woohooo just have to keep the number the same and I'll be ok
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    edited July 2017
    My Round 2/Your Round 9
    R1 SW: 195
    R2 SW: 190
    GW: 189: I know it isn't much, but if I can just push through the 190's and go under, I will be thrilled.
    Day Weight Comments
    07/02: 190 lbs: I must admit I did eat more carbs this weekend. I had pizza and McDonald's even though I stayed under my calorie intake for the day, and I exercised. Must be all the salt and less water intake.
    07/03 191: I drank more water today, but since it was a day off from work, I met my husband for lunch, and had an Arroz Con Pollo. I am going to pay for this.. I could taste the sodium. It was almost as though I could feel my blood pressure go up.
    07/04 190: The food must have not hit me yet, but I was under my calorie intake and I did exercise. I ate healthy also.
    07/05 191.5, and here we go! I need to get back to a more restrictive diet but not starve myself. I have to remember there is more to me than just a number.
    07/06 191.5 I stuck to low carb diet today and biked 6 miles. So, hopefully I will see myself losing something tomorrow.
  • sonya_laan
    sonya_laan Posts: 131 Member
    NSV - tonight was date night and saved 1050 cal for dinner (I was starving and just slightly lightheaded going into it). All day was craving chicken enchiladas from moxies for 1000 cal (my favourite!!). So we are at West Edmonton Mall (for all those who don't know...this is a MASSIVE mall) and I bring up going to Moxies for dinner. Then as we are walking there I see the subway in the food court and do a 180. No. Lets do food court for dinner so I can have a much healthier dinner of a sandwich loaded with veggies. Not the most romantic dinner in the world, but a much healthier choice then the cheese laden enchiladas that I was wanting. So date night including mini golf, casino, and food court dinner cost us a whopping 45$. Score one for the student.
  • nosugarinmytea
    nosugarinmytea Posts: 27 Member
    7/2 - 80.5kg
    7/3 - 81.9kg - Holy Water Retention, Batman! To be fair, after being very strict for 10 days I had two days of eating just under 2000 calories so I was expecting there to be some scale recriminations. But weekend's over, back to the grind! I'll try not to let this frustrate me.
    7/4 - 81.2kg - Water weight is going down but I have also not been able to "go" for three days. (Lol, sorry if TMI.) Hope I see a bit more of a reduction tomorrow...
    7/5 - 80.8kg - Getting there...still having "issues" so might be back to normal tomorrow, maybe even see a small loss because I've had one very good and one decent day. Going to try to go for a run with all of my might tonight, I really need to get back into it.
    7/6 - 80.6kg - Nearly back where I was but I'm feeling frustrated about it all, not seeing progress makes me crabby. Hope the second half of this challenge is more positive for me.
    7/7 - 80.6kg - I'm so frustrated I could cry. What exactly am I still retaining? Not going to have a good weekend at this rate.
    7/8 -
    7/9 -
    7/10 -
    7/11 -

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited July 2017
    Round 9: (Round 2 for me. Female/aged 71)
    Round 8: SW: 164.5 lbs.
    Round 8: end weight: ? lbs.
    SW: 227. Final goal weight: 147 lbs
    7/2/17 weight: 169 lbs
    Round 9 GW: 165 lbs

    7/2: lbs. travelling. No access to scale.
    7/3: 169 lbs. Not unexpected after a 5 day family holiday. Too many restaurant meals, and a garden party. Hopefully some of it is water retention, so this week I will hydrate and eat clean.
    7/4: 166.8 lbs. Phew! Glad that worked well! I will go with the flow for the rest of this week, and see if I can shift some more excess baggage. Lol!
    7/5: 168.2 lbs. Up/down/up ... lol!
    7/6: 167.5 lbs. I was out for lunch yesterday, so I'm pleased that I didn't go up this morning.
    7/7: 167.1 lbs. Yesterday was good. Today is better! Tomorrow? Who knows! Lol!
    7/8: lbs.
    7/8: lbs.
    7/10: lbs.
    7/11: lbs.
    Is there an easy way to find my previous post????

    Not that I know of. You can go back one page at a time using the left arrow below the Save Post button, then scroll through the entries. Or you could save your entry in Notes and copy/paste the update each day.

  • curious_kiris
    curious_kiris Posts: 41 Member
    Round 8 SW 253
    Round 9 SW 248

    07/02 247.6 Went jogging this morning and ran a 14 minute mile. Best this year! So tired though. Too much overtime.

    07/03 247.0 I'm grateful/horrified that I'm both too tired to resist impulsive eating and too tired to actually go get anything unhealthy. Go me for planning ahead for weak times, and not having anything on hand.

    07/04 246.8 Well, I made a cake for a holiday pot luck at work. Mindless batter eating. Oops. Will have to go for a run tomorrow to mitigate the sugary intake! Still, good day! Got to sleep in.

    07/05 248.2 Saddness! OK, no, not really. Had my holiday splurge and it was great. Didn't get to go for a run either. Boo. It'll be better tonight.

    07/06 246.6 Posting late. Went for a walk this morning. It was exactly what I needed. Numbers trending down again. Still, so tired. Got a few days off, going to sleep!

  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 699 Member
    edited July 2017
    R8 SW 156.0
    R9 SW 152.6

    07/02 152.4
    07/03 152.4
    07/04 152.6
    07/05 151.4
    07/06 151.8
    07/07 151.4
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Back again!! I enjoy my daily check ins here. Keeps me on track and motivated to move beyond daily fluctuations.

    SW in March 182.4
    GW - 150 and then reassess how I feel
    07/01 - coming in from Round 8 - 157.3lbs

    07/02 - 159.4lbs - again on my Mom's scale. Celebrated Canada Day with too much good craft beer and some very salty ribs I'm going to pay for over the next few days. But no regrets!!
    07/03 - 160.8 - I'm not sure what happened to my post from yesterday...I probably forgot to hit post reply...d'oh!
    07/04 - 158.2lbs - getting back on track after a long weekend of indulging
    07/05 -159.4lbs - here goes my bouncing ball...rings are tight this morning, so I'm retaining something. I ate fantastic yesterday and was very active at work and went for a trail run when I got home.
    07/06 - 159.4lbs - bloated and constipated...ugh...feel yuck even though I've been eating the way I should and being active....

    07/07 - 159.0lbs - taking longer to get past one long weekend than it did my cruise vacation. I'm going to stay on track this weekend so I can head back down to where I was last week before it all fell apart....no beer for me!!
