JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9



  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Back again!! I enjoy my daily check ins here. Keeps me on track and motivated to move beyond daily fluctuations.

    SW in March 182.4
    GW - 150 and then reassess how I feel
    07/01 - coming in from Round 8 - 157.3lbs

    07/02 - 159.4lbs - again on my Mom's scale. Celebrated Canada Day with too much good craft beer and some very salty ribs I'm going to pay for over the next few days. But no regrets!!
    07/03 - 160.8 - I'm not sure what happened to my post from yesterday...I probably forgot to hit post reply...d'oh!
    07/04 - 158.2lbs - getting back on track after a long weekend of indulging
    07/05 -159.4lbs - here goes my bouncing ball...rings are tight this morning, so I'm retaining something. I ate fantastic yesterday and was very active at work and went for a trail run when I got home.
    07/06 - 159.4lbs - bloated and constipated...ugh...feel yuck even though I've been eating the way I should and being active....
    07/07 - 159.0lbs - taking longer to get past one long weekend than it did my cruise vacation. I'm going to stay on track this weekend so I can head back down to where I was last week before it all fell apart....no beer for me!!

    07/08 - 158.0lbs - TOM snuck on me yesterday (thanks Peri-menopause!!) So some of the yuck I've been feelin must be hormonal. At least there was a drop on the sccale this morning...
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    R7 SW - 172
    R8 SW - 170
    R9 SW - 169.4

    GW for R9 - 167.4
    Final GW - 140

    7/2 - 169.6 -
    7/3 - 169.8 -
    7/4 - 169.8 - welp...at least it wasn't another gain.
    7/5 - 170 - nothing to see here...just gaining and losing the same 4-6 ounces for the last 2 weeks.
    7/6 - 168.8 - Finally! some movement in the right direction! let's see if I can keep the momentum.
    7/7 - 169.2 - 11 hour work day mostly sitting on my bum, so no workout, went over calories just a bit and dinner was high in fat and sodium, so not an awful gain considering. Back on track with exercise and diet today
    7/8 - 168.6 - very sedentary but also didn't eat much, so not bad
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I weigh daily... naked .... and afraid.

    SW 07-01 197.8

    07-02 198.2
    07-03 200.0
    07-04 199.7
    07-05 199.7
    07-06 200.6 Ugh. Who puts fried food on a salad? Gators Dockside that's who.
    07-07 199.7. Late to check in
    07-08 198.3 Flushing out water, yay.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,954 Member
    Your Round 9, My Round 3
    Goal this round to maintain until travel is over on July 16.

    SW ?? Was164.5 when I left home on 6/27
    Day    Weight       Comments
    7/2   Traveling to our daughter's in Broken Arrow, OK 
    7/3   Everyone slept late, did not weigh
    7/4   169.5 Finally weighed and I was up 5#.  Due in part to eating poorly, eating salt, and bathroom habit being messed up by travel.
    7/5   Didn't weigh.  Got up late and got ready to do a quilt  shop hop with my daughter n the Tulsa area.  8 of 10 done. One is only opened 3 days a week and the other had their store hours incorrectly posted on their FB page.
    7/6   165 I knew it would drop when I got moving again.
    7/7   166
    7/8   167  too much sitting and eating out and not enough moving about!

    Terri Richardson112 - Thank you for your reply! This is what I have been doing.
    I tried, unsuccessfully, to send a private message.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    My Round 2/Your Round 9
    R1 SW: 195
    R2 SW: 190
    GW: 189: I know it isn't much, but if I can just push through the 190's and go under, I will be thrilled.
    Day Weight Comments
    07/02: 190 lbs: I must admit I did eat more carbs this weekend. I had pizza and McDonald's even though I stayed under my calorie intake for the day, and I exercised. Must be all the salt and less water intake.
    07/03 191: I drank more water today, but since it was a day off from work, I met my husband for lunch, and had an Arroz Con Pollo. I am going to pay for this.. I could taste the sodium. It was almost as though I could feel my blood pressure go up.
    07/04 190: The food must have not hit me yet, but I was under my calorie intake and I did exercise. I ate healthy also.
    07/05 191.5, and here we go! I need to get back to a more restrictive diet but not starve myself. I have to remember there is more to me than just a number.
    07/06 191.5 I stuck to low carb diet today and biked 6 miles. So, hopefully I will see myself losing something tomorrow.
    07/07 192: I don't get it at all. I exercised yesterday, ate beneath my calorie intake, and drank 48 oz. of water. I'm feeling bummed.

    You are doing so well though! Keep up the great habits!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    my3boys424 wrote: »
    Round 7 Start 136.1 End 134.5
    Round 8 Start 134.5 End 133.5
    Round 9 Start 133.9 Goal 133.5

    I'm in!! My goal for this round is actually to maintain my weight. We have a long holiday weekend and I know it will be filled with temptation. I am going to try to get some workouts in, but this morning it's pouring rain and an inside workout is so hard.

    Day Weight Comments

    07/02 - 133.9
    Not a horrible gain...I am being mindful of calories this weekend, but also eating way over my budget. My goal is to end these 10 days no higher than the end of round 8 ... 133.5
    PS - I did get that workout out in 3.5 miles outside in the pouring rain!!!

    07/03 - 137.4
    Overnight! Yesterday and today I am not counting calories. Yesterday got a little more out of control than I had hoped ... 10 day goal is to wind up where I ended round 8 - 133.5 - I have to keep reminding myself :)

    07/04 - 137.1
    The key for me is to stay away from the appetizers!! I'm down a bit from yesterday and now I hope to spend the next 7 days getting back to 133.5.

    07/05 - 137.6
    I truly had good intentions yesterday Of getting back on the wagon after the long holiday weekend … Then my neighbors came over at 10 AM for coffee and it turned into a day of swimming, eating leftovers, ordering pizza and drinking beer. It was a fun day, but I seriously need to buckle down to get back to my starting weight for the round. Headed out now for my workout!!

    07/06 - 135.2
    Got in a great 5 mile workout yesterday and stayed under calories. No workout partner today so it may be harder to get it in, but I will!! Still have a goal of getting back to my start weight for this 10 days!!

    07/07 - 134.4
    Headed in the right direction ... 1 more pound to go to reach my round 8 start weight and my goal for 7/11. BUT now the weekend ... I don't usually workout Saturday and Sunday, but I'm shooting to this weekend to get some extra calories.


    You can and will do this!
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    My Round 2/Your Round 9
    R1 SW: 195
    R2 SW: 190
    GW: 189: I know it isn't much, but if I can just push through the 190's and go under, I will be thrilled.
    Day Weight Comments
    07/02: 190 lbs: I must admit I did eat more carbs this weekend. I had pizza and McDonald's even though I stayed under my calorie intake for the day, and I exercised. Must be all the salt and less water intake.
    07/03 191: I drank more water today, but since it was a day off from work, I met my husband for lunch, and had an Arroz Con Pollo. I am going to pay for this.. I could taste the sodium. It was almost as though I could feel my blood pressure go up.
    07/04 190: The food must have not hit me yet, but I was under my calorie intake and I did exercise. I ate healthy also.
    07/05 191.5, and here we go! I need to get back to a more restrictive diet but not starve myself. I have to remember there is more to me than just a number.
    07/06 191.5 I stuck to low carb diet today and biked 6 miles. So, hopefully I will see myself losing something tomorrow.
    07/07 192: I don't get it at all. I exercised yesterday, ate beneath my calorie intake, and drank 48 oz. of water. I'm feeling bummed.

    Don't beat yourself up. There is many reasons your body holds on to water.. carbs is one, exercise is another. You know how when you get a burn your body pumps fluid to the area and it blisters? Or how a wound weeps? When you exercise minute little tears happen in your muscles and your body does the same thing to hold onto fluids to heal.

    Weight loss is not linear, you will go up and down.. but the downs get a little lower as time goes on.. fat is not fluctuating it's coming off, it's water that's up and down.

    Stick with it, you got this!

    I honestly believe it was the increase in carbs and sodium. I was retaining so much water. You're right on that one for sure.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Round 9--SW 235.6

    Round 7--Start 229.7 End 228.3 Weight loss/gain -1.4
    Round 8--On vacation

    Went on vacation for two weeks. Had a great time. The scale showed a 7.3lb gain, I thought it would be a lot more, but I know a lot of it is water retention, messed up sleep schedule, and extra salt from all of the restaurant meals. Ready to get back to regular eating and exercising. My goal for this round is to get back down to or close to my pre-vacation weight.

    07/03--233.4 Vacation water weight loss
    07/04--230.3 More water weight
    07/05--230.6 I think most, if not all, of the water weight from my vacation is gone.
    07/07--228.6 All water weight loss. I'm pretty surprised how quickly the water weight is coming off.
    07/08--228.1 I am shocked that I reached my goal for this round, hopefully it will stick for the rest of the round. Usually when I've gone on vacation and put on weight it's been so difficult to get back into my regular eating habits and I give up on my weight loss. So this is really exciting.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    My Round 1

    Starting weight 167
    Goal weight 150
    Ultimate goal 138-140
    Round 9 start weight 162.4 Goal 160

    *Challenge goal Log and stay within my cals everyday, drink my water and move more.

    07/02 162 Slow and steady wins the race! Staying on track again today.
    07/03 162 No change this morn. I think I need to start working on my overload of sodium.
    07/04 162.4 o well.. I will keep going!
    07/05 163.6 I am surprised it wasn't more.. w/ the junk I ate, yesterday. Back on my challenge goal. *
    07/06 161.8 I am happy to get closer to 160. Most was from the 4th over indulgence.
    07/07 161 I will take it! My DH and I are incorporating green salads as our main course for dinner.

    I think weighing in might be the trick? Inever liked it before, but it puts a new meaning in Day by day/ One day at a time!

    O course... weighing in might be the trick .. I ment to say weighing in everyday. :o

    Salads are wonderful. They are even better for you if you add some lean protein to it. A trainer made me conscious of that. I bake a couple chicken breasts that I season the heck out of, keep in fridge, slice thin and then add 3 or 4 ounces to a salad. The protein really helps me stay satisfied without adding a bunch of cals or carbs.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    tishawj wrote: »
    Back again!! I enjoy my daily check ins here. Keeps me on track and motivated to move beyond daily fluctuations.

    SW in March 182.4
    GW - 150 and then reassess how I feel
    07/01 - coming in from Round 8 - 157.3lbs

    07/02 - 159.4lbs - again on my Mom's scale. Celebrated Canada Day with too much good craft beer and some very salty ribs I'm going to pay for over the next few days. But no regrets!!
    07/03 - 160.8 - I'm not sure what happened to my post from yesterday...I probably forgot to hit post reply...d'oh!
    07/04 - 158.2lbs - getting back on track after a long weekend of indulging
    07/05 -159.4lbs - here goes my bouncing ball...rings are tight this morning, so I'm retaining something. I ate fantastic yesterday and was very active at work and went for a trail run when I got home.
    07/06 - 159.4lbs - bloated and constipated...ugh...feel yuck even though I've been eating the way I should and being active....
    07/07 - 159.0lbs - taking longer to get past one long weekend than it did my cruise vacation. I'm going to stay on track this weekend so I can head back down to where I was last week before it all fell apart....no beer for me!!

    07/08 - 158.0lbs - TOM snuck on me yesterday (thanks Peri-menopause!!) So some of the yuck I've been feelin must be hormonal. At least there was a drop on the sccale this morning...

    A big drop! Congrats.
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    07/02: 135.4
    I started yesterday with a HIIT workout and I've found that exercising 1st thing can put me in a healthy state of mind for the day. That being said, yesterday my friends and I threw a going away event for a soldier who is being shipped overseas for a year and I ate waaaay too much. I guess the moving around and setting up made a difference though.
    07/03: 135.4
    They built a new organic grocery store by our house and I went in and sampled a bunch of dairy free goodies like a bad girl. So I went over my cal count a bit. Did lunges and planks yesterday too.
    07/04: 135
    Today we went on a rainy 4 hr hike, as my husband didn't have to work on U.S. Independence Day. Came home and passed out and now we are both exhausted.
    07/05: 135.2
    The annoying life that is my plateau. I guess I should just be grateful that I have lost so much weight to begin with and suck it up. I just got to keep pushing on.
    07/06: 134.6
    Trying not to get overly excited when I get to this point because it always seems to go back up. Just going to accept it for the number that it is and see what tomorrow holds. Yesterday I only went on a short walk and wasn't that active. I'm starting to feel like maybe my fluctuations into this number are hormonal.
    07/07: 133.6
    So I got off and on the scale like 50 times this morning. I always weigh in the exact same place, before eating, after peeing, when I first get up. I have never been this low. Magical formula to weight loss? I went back to what I was doing at the beginning of this process. Prepping meals ahead of time and leaving myself a few calories to splurge with. At least...I'm hoping this is magic and not just some fluke.
    07/08: 134.4
    Meh. Guess it was a fluke? Any way, today we are having a cookout at my house. So glad we are in control of the main course because I know it will be healthy (grilled coconut shrimp and pineapple skewers) and also we made a fruit platter with watermelon, blueberry, and strawberries and some lemon parmesan broccoli in foil for the grill. I also made sure there was a healthy "dessert": Coconut water and berry home made popsicles. Guests are sure to bring other unfortunate goodies, so I thought I would take care of myself :-) Plus who doesn't want a change from burgers?
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 9: (Round 1 for me)
    SW: 108.4
    goal Weight: 107.9

    7/3 108.4
    7/4 108.2 (~1400 kcals)
    7/5 108 Hmmm very interesting to see weight going down so evenly by .2
    7/6 108 (1600 kcals)
    7/7 108.8 (1800 kcals)
    7/8 108.6 (1600 kcals)
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    SW: 256
    Round 7: 240.4 [-2.4 lbs]
    Round 8: 237.4 [-3.0 lbs]

    7/2 - 237.2
    7/3 - 237.2 - not much sleep so I'll count that as a win
    7/4 - 238.8
    7/5 - 238.6
    7/6 - 237.4
    7/7 - 237.6
    7/8 - 238.4
  • Marieschneider026
    Marieschneider026 Posts: 26 Member
    7/8- 192.2
  • FitWonderChick
    FitWonderChick Posts: 35 Member
    R9 Starting Weight:179.2 lbs
    GW for 7/11 is 177.2 lbs.
    07/04 179.2 (evening weigh in)
    07/05 177.6 (weighed in at 9am) *I will weigh in in mornings from now on for consistency.
    07/06 177.0 (10am)
    07/07 177.3 (10am)
    07/08 177.0 (9:47am)