ladyreva78 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yuck! People like that just weird me out (and usually end up with a bruise after having warned them to keep their limbs to themselves) Worse even than the guy telling me to smile cause I'd be prettie…
  • Re: Keto

    If you are going to compare food items, the at least compare like function with like function. Bread serves as a source of energy. Ergo it is only fair to compare it to a source of energy as used in …
  • Re: Keto

    No. OP did not mention malabsorption issues. Only that keto seems impossible to her. Why insist on something that seems impossible to someone when there's other alternatives? My point was to illustra…
  • Re: Keto

    Carbs = energy source Fat = energy source Personally, I can't have more than 60g fat/day due to malabsorption issues (not worth the GI-Distress that causes). I can push it to 70g on a good day. But n…
  • Re: If it didn't have calories, right now I would eat...

    Too much frosting. The ideal amount of frosting on a carrot cake is 0 :tongue: