lukejoycePT Member

  • Re: Counting macros

    only if you have an acurate way of measuring it. which nobody does. it muddys the waters and creates even more inacuracy in an already inacurate field. weighing and measuring food is still a guestima…
  • Re: Is it Okay to have a cheat day?

    ok, so theres no such thing as a cheat food or bad foods. there is only food and calories. if you want a glass of wine or a chocolate bar or whatever you view as naughty then you go ahead and have it…
  • Re: Abdominal

    again... you are putting words into my mouth. never said anything about fat % and what is healthy unhealthy, our discussion is about the op getting visible abs. the NET calories the most acurrate way…
  • Re: Abdominal

    if OP didnt have abs then OP wouldnt be able to stand up straight. yes your body eats muscle if you do not eat enough protein and use the muscle often, we all have abs. under our body fat. you just n…
  • Re: Abdominal

    1000% agree with this poster.