musicfan68 Member

  • Re: Fat fasting

    This is a calorie counting website, that doesn't advocate fad or quick-fix diets, because there are no quick fixes. If you eat in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Plug your stats info MFP and…
  • Re: Feeling Discouraged

    I don't mean this to sound rude, but it doesn't matter if you are a mathematician if you are using the wrong numbers, you're going to be wrong and underestimate your calories. Weighing food you will …
  • Re: All or nothing mentality is killing me. Help!?

    With the way you are thinking, you aren't going to stick to the diet at all. It isn't all or nothing. And obsessing about an antibiotic? It isn't poison. Get over it. You need it. It isn't going to k…