patriciafoley1 Member

  • Re: Difficulty staying in 1200cal budget

    Well you could get a fitbit and that would tell you how many calories you are burning and then you'd know what your calorie burn is every day and how much you can eat and stay in deficit. Carbs make …
  • is dieting really that simple?

    I am a refugee from Diet Workshop, WW, and calorie counting plans. I've been on MFP a month. I have lost 14 pounds since June 1st when I started my diet. I'm hopeful but also filled with doubts. I'd …
  • Re: When only carbs will do

    It helps me to try to eat low carb. About the only refined carb I eat is jelly as in PB&J sandwich on whole wheat. And that is for breakfast occasinoaly, or half a sandwich as a snack. And I some…
  • Re: Discouraged

    I've heard to process one gram of carb requires 2 grams of water, so you retain water weight processing carbs. Also if you were drinking soda, it has a lot of sodium (salt) in it, 200 mg per glass. I…
  • Re: I'm a food addict..

    I am a food addict. Actually everyone is, because we need it to survive. But in the conventional sense of those who live to eat and those who eat to live, I'd probably be more in the first category. …