phred_52 Member

  • Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream Chips 8.5oz

    Purchased before starting gym 9 days ago, so I'll call it a treat, being My all time faves. I'll just spend an extra 90 min recumbent to cancel. Looking at numbers though, I thought it would be worse…
  • Re: Calories and carbs

    I pay zero attn. to what's said on carbs, sugar, etc. I've lost 12 lbs within a month and I intake 3-3.5lbs of sugar with coffee a month. Carb intake is appx. 75% more than Protein. Do 2hrs cardio da…
  • Re: Schedules for beginners?

    I'd just push through...oh, congrats on 60lb loss. I just restarted working out..just completed 1st week,,,2hrs bike and 30 min soreness has pretty much gone away now. Like you mentioned…