stephie_nyc Member

  • Re: Migraines/Binges

    Thank you. I can't imagine having this pain every day. And who knows, these might not be as bad as a true migraine but they're enough to send me home from work and so I can stay in a dark room. I am …
  • Re: Suggestions for healthy coffee creamer

    Have the powdered creamer or half and half. I usually account for 40-80 calories (depending on how many cups I have) for my half and half. I can't do a black coffee later in the day but at 6 am I nee…
  • Migraines/Binges

    Maybe I've never been diagnosed with migraines but let's call them AWFUL TERRIBLE HEADACHES THAT MAKE ME VOMIT. Anyway, when I get these headaches I tend to want to eat, especially carbs. I always th…
  • Re: Time to lose the Quarantine 15 :)

    Yeah. I started in January. I don't use the scale so no clue how much I lost but my clothes fit better. Sucks to feel like I am starting from square 1 again but gotta do it!
  • Re: Feeling discouraged

    Hi! Are you still in recovery? Speaking as someone who has ED behaviors, it's really hard to lose and recover at the same time. I asked a counselor once if she thought it was possible and she basical…