toxikon Member

  • Re: How accurate is FitBit TDEE (HR monitor version)?

    My Alta HR seems pretty accurate. I've always estimated my sedentary TDEE as around 1700. The Alta gives me that TDEE on lazy days (under 5k steps) which seems right on point. On more active days, I …
  • Re: Friend on plan with too few calories

    I've heard that some dietitians and doctors recommend a lower calorie goal to compensate for inaccurate logging. They assume most people will eyeball portions and forget to log some things. Even so -…
  • Re: Woes of a Waitress

    Cooking is a wonderful skill to learn - everyone starts somewhere, and the more you practice, the better you'll get. :) I personally do a ton of meal-prepping with my Instant Pot - it's definitely my…
  • Re: Losing weight every 8 days?

    I wouldn't worry so much about it. Bodies are funny, they don't typically lose weight in a linear fashion. You may not lose any weight at all for 2 weeks, then suddenly drop 3lbs. All that matters is…
  • Re: Recovering Carbaholic [Keto]

    Fellow carb-lover here... I tried keto for a year but ended up returning to carbs. Lost all the weight with calorie counting alone and it's been much more sustainable. I don't think I could realistic…