umbramirror Member

  • Re: Not Hungry

    What exactly were you hoping to gain from this thread? Have you received what you aimed for? This thread turned into a group of strangers trying to convince you that your view of yourself is schewed.…
  • Re: Combatting Stress Eating

    This has been a significant source of trouble for me and even though I would like to say that this will go away, I think it is something I will always have to keep an eye on. Yes, food is often used …
  • Re: Keto and slowly gaining again. 😔

    Hey there. I have a few questions for you that might help some of us answer your concern. Have you changed the ratio of your macros at all or increased your caloric intake? Have you been undergoing a…
  • Re: Women's average THIGH and CALF size! What's yours?

    Thought it would be interesting to see how my measurements changed over the course of 1 year. Weight, about the same ~130 lbs, +/- 2 lbs. 5'6". Bust: 33" Waist: 25" Hips: 35" Thig…
  • TDEE

    Anyone want to help me determine a rough estimate of my TDEE? I have used TDEE calculators to get a general idea of where my TDEE falls and it seems to be somewhere between 2100-2300 based on whether…