xrj22 Member

  • Re: Best Sleep techniques?

    When you say that setting an alarm to tell you when to go to bed doesn't work; do you meant that even though you have an alarm, you still don't get into bed at a reasonable time, or that you are gett…
  • Re: Annual check-up "Oh oh!" - Getting back on track NOW

    I am in a similar boat. 2.5 years ago made some big changes and really turned around my cholesterol (and improved glucose thought that wasn't really a problem). back slid, avoided doctors for a while…
  • Re: Weight loss

    Why are you wanting to loose weight before surgery? When is the surgery? Check with your doctor/surgeon about whether loosing weight before that is really a good idea. Yes, being less overweight gene…
  • Re: Pre-diabetic

    Are you sure that the foot pain is neuropathy, as opposed to plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, arthritis etc.? If you are also upping your walking or activity, there are lots of possibilities (or someti…
  • Re: Reducing alcohol and takeaways

    I am trying to only drink because I feel good. I.e. celebrations, social events,etc. When I drink because I feel bad, it doesnt make anything better. If I feel bad, it usually means that i need to sl…