xxzenabxx Member

  • Re: Intermittent Fasting

    I also have PCOS and I follow a lower carb approach where I eat between 70-120g of carbs a day and I don’t freak out if I go over and under. I used to be really strict with my diet but I’ve loosened …
  • Re: No motivation

    I've spent my whole life trying to rely on motivation to do things and it didn't get me far. Forget about motivation and use habits instead, it takes 20 days to build a habit so give it time. Also do…
  • Re: Can't control appetite

    I am enjoying what I’m eating. I’m not restricting food groups except for milk cause that gives me a stomach ache and so does white bread. Aside from that I’m eating chocolate everyday, eggs, cheese,…
  • Re: Struggling to get back on track and mindset

    Thank you. I'm going to be using these tips. I don't go the gym either. I find it too much of a task and I prefer exercising at home or going for walks which I will start from tomorrow even if it's j…
  • Re: Sugar Cravings

    I quit cold turkey last year when I lost a lot of weight (a lot of which I regained because I ate junk food). I notice that I can't stick to my calories and eat sugar within reason. It makes my cravi…