No motivation

AnaA78 Posts: 85 Member
Hi there, i feel so discouraged. One day im motivated and ready to workout and eat right, then next day i just give up. Why can't i be consistent. I need to loose weight i feel and know I'm getting bigger bur i just feel like a looser....


Any help people????


  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    it could be many many reasons

    (1) Effort is greater than reward - ie you have nothing you really care about as a reason to lose the weight
    (2) you are doing the wrong workouts ie you dont like the gym - give something else a go .. dancing/cycling ?
    (3) you dont really know where to start
    (4) you are starting too big and trying to do everything at once, as opposed to taking baby steps and changing you lifestyle slowly until you are "naturally" a lean, fit, person

    start smaller .. understand that your diet is key to weightloss and exercise is key to fitness

    start by logging everything you eat each day ... from here you can make simple changes that will help .... ie swapping soda for diet soda can save you 1000's calories a week .... eating only 1 burger a week instead of 2 .. etc etc

    after this you can introduce calorie counting etc to nail down a sensible and achievable amount of food to eat daily

    as for exercise .. start by being more active, park further away, walk to the shops, take the stairs ... and figure out what sort of thing you would like and enjoy to do. I started cycling and soon realised how much faster I could be if I dropped 15kg ..... that was one of my motivations
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    Maybe you're trying to change too much too fast? Being healthier is a lifelong endeavor after all, so maybe try one change at a time. When it sticks, it's a habit! That doesn't require motivation, it's something you do automatically. Then add another, and another.

    Before you know it you'll be well on your way to "oh my goodness who is this healthy person that has taken over my body?!" lol
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    I've spent my whole life trying to rely on motivation to do things and it didn't get me far. Forget about motivation and use habits instead, it takes 20 days to build a habit so give it time. Also don't give yourself unrealistic expectations. Aim to lose 1lb a week.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    There must be something in the air.. there have been a lot of posts floating around here this past week about motivation. Maybe all of us who started a new years resolution are starting to get diet fatigue at this point. lol

    i'll share what gave me the kick in the pants to get serious. First i weighed myself and saw the number.. but that wasn't enough to get me going ... then.. i tried on all my old jeans from my skinny days. ITw was more depressing than the number on the scale for some reason. And.. most motivating..and what keeps me motivated as I'm on my last few pounds till goal.. is my BEFORE picture in my underwear.

    I won't be sharing that on here. But, i look at it daily..and espeically when i feel like I'm losing motivation. i never want to go back to that!

    so.. weight yourself..try on old clothes that won't fit at all...and take a pic of yourself in your underwear...

    IF that doesn't motivate you.. i'm out of advice. Peace out and good luck!
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    Also ask yourself why you actually want to lose weight in the first place. Some people have only very short term reasons and it is much easier to lose interest if you're hoping that losing weight will make everything in your life, including your outlook, much better. Truth is getting back into shape is often only one piece of the puzzle.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    You might be trying to do too much at once. Small changes and an eating plan built around food you like will work. And you don't need to exercise to lose weight, you just need to watch your calories. Why don't you leave the exercise until later?
  • AnaA78
    AnaA78 Posts: 85 Member
    thank you everyone. I will try my best. Little steps.
  • shnell25
    shnell25 Posts: 49 Member
    Start with small changes. Set daily goals then move to weekly and monthly goals.

    One thing that helps me is keeping a journal of the foods I eat, my mood when I’m eating and also my exercise routine.

    You can do it. Remember you’re the reason you’re on this journey.