Struggling to get back on track and mindset

My stats- female, 24, CW 152lbs, GW 130lbs, 5' 4"

So I recently came back from my family holiday, didn't gain any weight thank god, but I'm really really struggling to get back into things. Also I have PCOS so that affects my weightloss, don't know about other people with it, but it does affect my efforts. I'm mostly eating dinner at other people's houses so I just have to guesstimate. Some days I've eaten 1700, 2000, 2400+ I feel bloated and just sluggish. I just end up eating maintenance calories, and I feel like I've been in maintenance forever! I just did exercise this week, strength training, Pilates and circuit training cause I get bored so I mix it up, and I gained 5lbs. I know it's water weight but it doesn't feel nice, and how long will it take to go down? I'm finding it hard to just get back into it. I feel anxious and overwhelmed.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Maybe it's your weightloss plan. What's it like? Calories? Foods? Exercise?
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    I should be eating 1700 calories according to the calculators if I exercise 5 times a week. I've definitely been eating too many calories, even upto 3000 on some days! In terms of my diet I like a balanced approach with a mixture of fats, carbs and protein. I don't do well on low carb or high carb, just in the middle. I have hardly had any fibrous foods, fruit or veg recently so that's not good.I don't track my macros cause that's too much of a headache for me, but I aim for 100g of protein everyday. I try to exercise, as I said before, with a mixture of approaches like strength training, HIIT, aerobics and Pilates/yoga so I'm happy with my workout plan. I am sedentary aside from this as I'm working from home so I sometimes end up sitting for hours and forget to move when I'm so absorbed in a project. Agh, I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm finding it hard to get back into seems overwhelming.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Your plan sounds good, but maybe you're bored? Fruit and veg can add variety, which is important, not just for nutrition, but also for taste. Maybe you could try one new food/recipe per week? Overwhelming - do you feel you have to do too much, or that it takes too long? If it's the first, simplify, if it's the second, change it up. Now I'm out of ideas :p
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Yeah I'm bored of relosing this weight (I was 138lbs in 2016) and I do find this task overwhelming. Tips on how to simplify this? Also I don't think I have the same self control anymore, my house is filled with loads of chocolate we got on holiday and I know it's there and it's tempting so I end up eating an extra 500 calories... I know it's okay to go over a few times but when it's happening so often it's definitely a problem.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited April 2018
    It's going to be very hard to have self control when there is too easy access. I'm actually training myself to have more treats in my cupboards now, but I've been in maintenance for three years, it's just recently I have felt ready. Can you ask other family members to "hide" the chocolate? Or maybe divide it into individual shares that is that person's property?

    I love simplifying. I have found making exercise a natural part of my day, really great. So I have stopped going to the gym, instead I walk more, dance sillier, and play and run when I feel like it. And I discovered meal planning - long after I had to empty my fridge before a vacation, it dawned on me that I could do the same even when staying home. I have made it into a game - how can I eat varied and balanced, delicious and healthy and cheap at the same time? I plan to avoid waste, read the grocery stores flyers, I keep a running inventory, and I rotate dinners by weekly themes. I don't use many recipes, for instance, most of my dinners are just a combo of protein+starch+veg; I have "templates" for breakfast and lunch too - I usually eat bread and milk, or porridge, and fruit and raw veg, but different kinds of bread, spreads, grains, fruit and veg from day to day/week to week.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Thank you. I'm going to be using these tips. I don't go the gym either. I find it too much of a task and I prefer exercising at home or going for walks which I will start from tomorrow even if it's just a 20 minute walk! Yeah I'm thinking of giving my chocolates to my sister and then putting the rest far away in a cupboard so they're harder to access. Wow I guess you've been in maintenance for years so you can do that. I'm also in maintenance but just need to get back into my deficit. Meal planning is still tougher for me ATM because my mother cooks and she likes to be the head of the kitchen but I'm going to try and work my way around that.