Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 3 (2/15-2/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Challenge blurb. :+1:
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health.

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.

You decide.
Love your health by "sprinting," (focusing hard and giving your all) for the whole month. It's only 29 days.

I've got a thread stickied to the top of the group so you can find the weekly challenge threads, even if they are buried in the feed.

How are you going to show the love this week?



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    How'd you all do with Valentine's Day?

    I found a recipe for a quick protein cookie. I had chocolate protein powder, so it tasted like a brownie. It was a little dry. I'd add more butter next time. And I had one square of Ghiradelli 60% Dark Chocolate my 13-year-old daughter got me. It was delicious. I savored it. It was 5g net carbs. Not bad.

    Most of the day we played in COOP mode a first-person shooter called Battlefield 2. Me, DH, the girls (13 and 7) and oldest son (11). It was so fun. The littlest is too young to play but we let him play apps on my kindle when he got tired of watching us. It helped to make me forget all the BS going on in my life right now.

    Had an ok night. A couple of close calls on the already injured eye, but no further corneal erosions. I'm tired from waking every hour all night. But it could be worse. I talked to DH, and we'll make do. It will be tight, but we regularly have savings. The prescrip co. has a "rewards" programs that gives discounts. And a $20 rebate for the 1st prescrip. (Nevermind that they shouldn't be charging that much. But they all do that.) I'm also going to go get bloodwork done. Maybe next month. February is "hell month" where snowy weather is concerned. The county schools are usually out most of the month (if that gives you any indication of what it's like). It's guaranteed if I make any appts, it will snow the night before.

    My goal this week is to keep calories in check despite not sleeping. Hopefully Wed I'll get the prescrip.
    Meanwhile KCKO.
    For workouts, I'm adding some You Are Your Own Gym bodyweight stuff into my strength rotation so my oldest son can do it with me. I'm already having him do a couple of the easier HIIT routines with me here and there. That kid would stay glued to the computer 24/7 otherwise. Him and his programming....

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Ok, goals for this week/month:
    1. Avoid food waste/too much eating out
    2. Get 7 hours of sleep a night
    3. Drop another 2-3lb before the end of the month
    4. Send out at least one resume a week

    I did very well last week, and am hoping to see the positivity continue into week 3. This weekend I may have an issue with a day where I will have to go out to a nice restaurant, so if I don't get to pick a place I may make it my planned cheat, as much as I don't want to. The current plan right now is to go to a place called La Carreta, and eat delicious flap steak with a bit of chimmichuri sauce, but who knows, my coworkers may decide to take me somewhere else :-(
    Other than that I really need to monitor my sleep. Well, the goals are set...
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I started tracking again, just because I can tell my pants are getting tighter and what not. Gaining weight from strength training is one thing, gaining weight because of all those veggies I've been having is another!

    Valentine's was easy peasy. I made a low carb cheesecake and my husband made Chicken Piccata with almond flour, and then we had zoodles with that. No one tempted my wrath by trying to give us Whitman's samplers or anything.

    Started weight training last Wednesday and that is going well. One day a week I get on the elliptical and go all out for a short burst. Can't wait for the spring so I can go on walks, even if it's just across the Target parking lot.

    Writing stuff is going well though I've changed enough of my story now that my brain is spinning. Trying to take more breaks to decompress.

    Mom is still eating my way, and now we have the proper vitamins for her. I think I mentioned she said her IBS is improved, so now we just need to hold out hope that her fibro will calm the bleep down next.

    Husband has been doing really well, too, and I'm doing better at letting him approach me with questions instead of 'correcting' him so much.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    finally seeing progress on the scale again. For the duration, i'm reluctantly using work scale, which is not a nice as mine but definately accurate. while the numbers arent as nice, at least they're moving in the right direction.
    activity levels remain consistant which is lightly active and thats where i want it.
    still looking into adding another regular social event into the mix so i can meet more folks. looking into several things, no decisions yet. for this week i have two dance nights planned as a local band i like will be in the area for two nights. that will cover it for this week.
    the household progress is at a snails pace, but still happening, as are my efforts at painting and sewing....but i'm getting it in.
    good week, handled some upsetting events with grace and didnt sabotage my plan. for me that is great progress.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    FEB 16
    SW for keto: 150.6
    CW: 130.8
    GW: 128

    Cals: 1399/1400 :)
    Carbs: 27 net
    Exercise: None yet. I need to do 10 mins yoga/stretching.
    Sleep: A bit better last night. Aiming for bed at 10 tonight!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @baconslave let me know what you think of the YAYOG stuff! That's what I'd been doing (the DVD) and I did well with the timed circuits and ladders but the first time I did the circuits at the novice level, I ended up injuring my back. I am way too easily injured! Now I'm back to square 1 for strength. :(
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 16

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 213
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    @baconslave let me know what you think of the YAYOG stuff! That's what I'd been doing (the DVD) and I did well with the timed circuits and ladders but the first time I did the circuits at the novice level, I ended up injuring my back. I am way too easily injured! Now I'm back to square 1 for strength. :(

    I have the book. The thing about the book vs. the video is that with Ladders and sets, you go at your own pace so you can focus on form over speed, there is no talking-person to distract either, which lessens the likelihood of injury. I started doing it because my 11-year-old son needs some activity this winter and just plain doesn't move much. So we are doing it together. I've been doing strength training for about a year and darnitall if I'm not sore still from Monday! I recommend switching to the book. I don't remember if you got it, too. ??? If not I can help you out with the info. Go over proper form (watch youtube vids on them if you need) and take your time. You'll get more out of your workouts anyway with good form and not having to worry about keeping up with the instructor. It's not like tabata, fast and furious. It's focused movement. I may not be able to complete a full ladder in 7.5 min, but each rep has the best damn form I can manage. I feel soreness in my abs from both the arms AND legs portions. And that's the way it's supposed to work. I'm such a goon, but strength training is like my meditation. I do listen to the radio, but I'm all-in mentally, in the form and execution. It makes me very zen. I'm such a goof, in fact, that I'm grinning at the thought of it. :lol:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    , handled some upsetting events with grace and didnt sabotage my plan. for me that is great progress.

    Yes it is! Congrats!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @baconslave thanks so much for the info. I did get the book for Christmas as well but haven't read it yet. I tend to be more likely to follow through if I have a video to follow along with but you make good points.

    One of my 7y/o's doesn't move much either (he has hypotonia and low energy) and he was doing the DVD's with me. I was so proud of him. :)

    And @elize7, that is great! Good for you!
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    Do yoga every single day...
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    I started tracking again, just because I can tell my pants are getting tighter and what not. Gaining weight from strength training is one thing, gaining weight because of all those veggies I've been having is another!

    Valentine's was easy peasy. I made a low carb cheesecake and my husband made Chicken Piccata with almond flour, and then we had zoodles with that. No one tempted my wrath by trying to give us Whitman's samplers or anything.

    Started weight training last Wednesday and that is going well. One day a week I get on the elliptical and go all out for a short burst. Can't wait for the spring so I can go on walks, even if it's just across the Target parking lot.

    Writing stuff is going well though I've changed enough of my story now that my brain is spinning. Trying to take more breaks to decompress.

    Mom is still eating my way, and now we have the proper vitamins for her. I think I mentioned she said her IBS is improved, so now we just need to hold out hope that her fibro will calm the bleep down next.

    Husband has been doing really well, too, and I'm doing better at letting him approach me with questions instead of 'correcting' him so much.

    I relate to that so well.
    I love it when my characters decide that my well-laid plan for them is bullsh!t and take the story off in another direction... talk about brain-spinning.

    And touching on other points in there, I hope your family continues to see more health benefits of this WOE. I'd LOVE to get my parents on real low-carb. My mom is diabetic. She knows she's supposed to keep it under 120, which isn't enough IMO, but then doesn't count and sneaks candy and chips. Sigh...It will be the death of her unfortunately. :disappointed: But you can try to parent your parents when they are being ridiculous only so much and preserve a good relationship. So I just try to be a good example.

    I have to tell this, y'all.
    Yesterday when I was making my plate, I put some hamburger grease in my plate after draining (just over a tbsp), and it sat there waiting for my green beans. DH comes by and says "You're not eating that fat. Tell me you are NOT eating that." So I put my green beans in the plate in front of him and mixed them up. And grinned like Monsieur Cheshire Cat. His eyes got so big. I told him it would be ok as it wasn't as much as it looked like. Which is true. I could have added more. I wanted to dip the meatballs in more of it, but I refrained in consideration of calories. But it would have been glorious. :lol:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @baconslave actually I just remembered; I got the Body By You book rather than YAYOG, which I guess is pretty similar but a little different? (Aimed at women.)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    @baconslave actually I just remembered; I got the Body By You book rather than YAYOG, which I guess is pretty similar but a little different? (Aimed at women.)

    I borrowed it from the library about a month ago. It's a bit different. It doesn't start off too hardcore since it is aimed at women, so have a look at the recommended program schedule and see if you think that might suit you better. I almost went with Body By You, but then DH brought ds11 up and I decided on a more dude-approach. And also I'm a crazy, hard@ss...LOL!

    I completely get the video thing. I had that problem too. It is helpful to follow a video. It makes it go by faster. But I've had to cobble my own programs with dumbbells and tabata intervals when the internet was out, and found that I can manage it.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Good to know, thank you!

    I did NROLFW a while back (just using the book and sometimes looking up videos for form) and had a hard time getting traction with it but I'm hoping BBY will go better. It's definitely worth a shot.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I did a "Carb Nite" on saturday. The idea is to have a lot of carbs in the evening in order to spike your insulin, then immediately get back to LC. It's supposed to spur fat loss when you drop the carbs. Well, here it is Wednesday, and the scale just keeps creeping up. SO frustrated. I know I am retaining fluid- could feel it significanly in my hands this morning. I'm hoping that's most of the increase these past couple of days.

    Still doing well with the calories and water.
    I don't know if my hormones are just majorly jacked. *tiny violins playing*
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I did a "Carb Nite" on saturday. The idea is to have a lot of carbs in the evening in order to spike your insulin, then immediately get back to LC. It's supposed to spur fat loss when you drop the carbs. Well, here it is Wednesday, and the scale just keeps creeping up. SO frustrated. I know I am retaining fluid- could feel it significanly in my hands this morning. I'm hoping that's most of the increase these past couple of days.

    Still doing well with the calories and water.
    I don't know if my hormones are just majorly jacked. *tiny violins playing*

    I've done CarbNite. I found that sometimes it took almost to the morning of the next one for the water retention to come off sometimes. And on Shark Week, it wouldn't come off at all. So if your hormones are unbalanced in any way, it is likely it will fubar your water retention a bit. I hope in a couple days it goes away and takes friends with it.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    1. Avoid food waste/too much eating out
    2. Get 7 hours of sleep a night
    3. Drop another 2-3lb before the end of the month
    4. Send out at least one resume a week

    1. Another day of eating out successfully avoided. After my 7 mile run last night I went home instead of taco bell with the rest of the crew because of item #2 on this list...
    2. So, I went to sleep a little before 11pm. Set my alarm to 630 am. I should've gotten 7 hours of sleep, right? RIGHT? Nope. Woke up at 5 am, without the alarm clock. Silly body got used to the 5 am wakeup. Lesson learned, tonight I'm going beddy-bye-bye by 10.
    3. I'll get back to you with that info on Monday,
    4. This one may be tough, I am working this weekend, and will be lower on time then usual.

    I am craving chicken wings from B-Dubs, so badly. But my future in-laws are coming to town this weekend, so we are cleaning tonight, and if I want to get my miles in, I need to sacrifice time somewhere else... maybe I'll get some as a PMS treat in a week or two.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    Prior W: 187.2 (1/29)
    Prior W: 186.6 (2/5)
    CW: 186.8 (2/17)
    GW: 160-165

    Even though I'm not lower than my last weigh in I am VERY happy not to be fluctuated back up near 189 or higher. My Valentine's "weekend" was filled with way more carbs and sugar than I had actually planned for. Long story short, Saturday had bagels, M&Ms, cookies, and a larger burger and fries for a "grand finale" to a SUPER LONG was my first time at this event and I wasn't sure how it was going to play out. Assuming they invite me back again, I will know better how to prepare and move forward....not going to lie, the peanut M&Ms were pretty great! Sunday was an unplanned dinner date with the hubs which resulted in some alcohol, but I had some truly great steak!

    This week I've re-grouped and have been sticking to my running and weights. I'm working to drink more water and I'm also working on keeping myself in check for whether I really AM hungry. I've had some moments where I feel like binge eating, and the fact that I can recognize it is great, but the self control in the moment is not very good. I need to make a plan for how to handle those moments....I'm thinking it's going to require me to do some physical activity to get me out of that bad mindset.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I relate to that so well.
    I love it when my characters decide that my well-laid plan for them is bullsh!t and take the story off in another direction... talk about brain-spinning.

    The editor I worked with encouraged me to sort of "start over" (he said we can use existing parts where appropriate), and in doing so I've sort of "what if"d my way into a totally different story. I'm trying to NOT work on it for a day and see what my brain says about salvaging the original story.
    baconslave wrote: »
    And touching on other points in there, I hope your family continues to see more health benefits of this WOE. I'd LOVE to get my parents on real low-carb. My mom is diabetic. She knows she's supposed to keep it under 120, which isn't enough IMO, but then doesn't count and sneaks candy and chips. Sigh...It will be the death of her unfortunately. :disappointed: But you can try to parent your parents when they are being ridiculous only so much and preserve a good relationship. So I just try to be a good example.

    My dad is most frustrating. He joins in on the fatty stuff, then loads up on the carby stuff. I'm worried that being around us is going to make his health worse, not better.

    baconslave wrote: »
    I have to tell this, y'all.
    Yesterday when I was making my plate, I put some hamburger grease in my plate after draining (just over a tbsp), and it sat there waiting for my green beans. DH comes by and says "You're not eating that fat. Tell me you are NOT eating that." So I put my green beans in the plate in front of him and mixed them up. And grinned like Monsieur Cheshire Cat. His eyes got so big. I told him it would be ok as it wasn't as much as it looked like. Which is true. I could have added more. I wanted to dip the meatballs in more of it, but I refrained in consideration of calories. But it would have been glorious. :lol:

    Your DH is driving me batty with those veggies. My husband just makes me my 1.4 lb steak, asks if I want the plate with the drippings, how much bacon and butter to add, and asks me to please not eat the whole thing in one sitting. lololol.