Garmin Group

Garmin users on MFP unite!

Garmin Support Information & Help

Welcome to the group! Introduce yourself here and let us know what your favorite device is, how long you'been a Garmin user, what your favorite workouts(s) is(are), what goals you have, if you would like people to add you as a friend aaaand anything else you'd like us to know. You don't have to share if you don't want to and anything you post we can read.

Post your favorite workouts, routines, meals and before/after photos! Spread the love and upvote posts that make you smile and/or add to discussions.

Please be descriptive but brief in forum titles to help everyone know what you're sharing.

😄 Photos of pets are a plus in workouts! Just sayin!

READ before you post:

Garmin Support Information & Help

Have a Garmin issue? Be sure to check the Garmin support link above. There are a lot of quirks with Garmins. Different models may or may not have different settings which help/hurt the problem. Please give extra kudos to those who help!
Owner: CynnaMonkeyLeaders: CynnaMonkeyCreated on January 26, 2017255 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
