
Hi I'm new here and kind of new to clean eating as well I have dieted ever since I can remember but while calorie counting I still ate unhealthy food. Does any one have any tips to get me in to this. I would really appreciate it. :smile:


  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member

    I'm also a newbie. :) I've just started working with a personal trainer who has given me a fairly clean diet plan - no wheat, sugar, sugar-substitutes, alcohol, hydrogenated fats (i.e. vegetable oils) and heavily restricted carbs, dairy and caffeine. It was a massive change for me as I lived off pasta...!

    2 weeks in, 7lb lighter and other than the 2 days of caffeine withdrawal HELL, :s I'm loving the new diet - I feel a heck of a lot healthier! I don't have the energy slumps I would always have mid morning and afternoon.

    I'm not sure how long I'll last without a lot of my favourite foods, but the fact that I generally feel better and I'm allowed a cheat meal once a week is encouraging me a lot...that and the stupendous weight loss when I have yo-yo'd for years! (Yes, I know a lot of it is water).

    a lot of my favourite recipes come from fitter food: and their book is full of useful info and tips. The main tip I would have though, is get organised! clean eating takes a LOT of prep work.

    Feel free to have a nose at my diary if you want any ideas (other than Sunday where the cheat meal tends to appear!) :)