Challenges to Our Routine - Holidays, Birthday's, Anniversaries etc.

How do you manage to stay on track with the Yes Lifestyle 75 Day challenge when you are faced with a special event?

Today, I'm travelling to Vancouver and will visit my fabulous chef friend. Already, I am psyching myself up for the challenge.

For some, it's Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.

While on the challenge, our approach to these occasions will be different. How do you manage special events?


  • shortly2Bthin
    If I can, I get the menu ahead of time and decide what I am going to eat before I go so I'm not overwhelmed when I get there. We usually have holidays at our house or my in-law's house, so I have a lot of control over the situation. My place is set with a bread plate or breakfast plate instead of a dinner plate, and I use a teaspoon for soup & salad fork for dinner so my bites are smaller and I eat slower. This way I'm much less likely to get seconds, but if I do it won't be nearly as much. I also use my phone to track what I'm eating as I eat it, so it's not a surprise afterward and I can make informed decisions during the meal. And remember to track alcohol!