Guys....I'm in the weeds :(

CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member

OK So apparently I have to have my thyroid removed. I mentioned in a thread a while ago (I expect approximately 0 of you to remember that, LOL) that I was undergoing testing for a potentially cancerous thyroid nodule......and it's come to bear that I will need to have at least half, if not all, of it removed.

In the meantime, I was not losing at all last week, the fourth week in a row of not losing.

Add these two things together and I had the perfect rationalization for giving up on LC over the weekend and into this week. (Self pity + self pity = eat all the carbs)

I really don't know what to do or where to go from here. I'm frustrated with my weight, I'm worried about my health, and....I guess I just need to vent.


  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    When medical issues complicate weight loss, it's hard. It's not just calories in or calories out anymore. Despite your best efforts your body has another agenda. I've been there. Not with a thyroid issue but where my body regardless of low carb, low fat, low calorie, low inflammation, eating clean diet was insistent on putting on 15lbs a year. (YES I was doing those all at the same time.) Luckily for me my major stumbling block was pretty easy to find once blood work was ordered and even easier to solve. But I get your frustration! It's horrible, and a lot of people can't (or won't) get it :neutral_face: wish I could be more help.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Oh, CARoberts, I am sorry to hear that you will need surgery. I know that is scary and very stressful. I can understand your frustration leading you to stop focusing on your diet right now. That is okay, and I hope you are not beating yourself up over it. If I was in your shoes, I'd have probably have drunk a bottle of wine and eaten (at least) a pint of ice cream. Then the next day I'd feel worse and get right back on track. Right now, you are facing a lot of things you cannot control, but the diet you can. For me, that would be important.

    I hope you will be scheduled quickly and that the nodule is not cancer.
  • YourKnight
    YourKnight Posts: 9 Member
    So sorry to hear about your thyroid. I can't imagine how unnerving that must be. Best of luck with that. I am, however, in the same boat concerning not losing weight for several weeks. It does get frustrating, but I have never considered adding back unhealthy carbs (sugar, grains, and such). That would only make me feel worse. I'm no expert, but I'd stick with real foods... lots of leafy greens, with plenty of healthy fats and moderate protein. Hang in there. ~Michael
  • Carb away my friend. It's completely justified.

    My sympathy goes out to you. To cheer you up -Many people have their thyroid removed gone on to have better weight balance. In the end it's about your health but this procedure might be your answer to your diet-wise difficulties. Hang in there.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    BansheeCat wrote: »
    Carb away my friend. It's completely justified.

    My sympathy goes out to you. To cheer you up -Many people have their thyroid removed gone on to have better weight balance. In the end it's about your health but this procedure might be your answer to your diet-wise difficulties. Hang in there.


  • Hey, I had my thyroid removed several years ago, then my gall bladder -- apparently my organs are also 'optional'! Just letting you know I feel AMAZING now! I take a little synthroid pill every day and you'd never know I had the surgery. Although you will feel a little like Frankenstein the first couple weeks, the neck has lots of blood flow so the scar is not even noticeable anymore. It's to that uncommon and the future prognosis is excellent! No fear!!
  • CARoberts73
    CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
    edited October 2014
    Thank you ALL for your kind responses. I gave myself until Sunday for some "self pity eating" :wink: and what I learned was this: sugar just makes me feel worse, in the end. And so does an excess of carbs -- just bloaty, burpy, yucky. So....back in the saddle today. Nothing extreme, I'm not even sure I'm going to count, but I'm definitely going to stick to low carb foods and sugar free until the surgery.

    I'm honestly not too concerned about the surgery (although I just had my tubes tied in late July and now I wish I'd waited). If the nodule is cancerous.......which the endocrinologist is convinced it most likely is.....thyroid cancer is still highly treatable so even that does not scare me as much as you would think. What scares me are the meds.....adjusting to them, seeing how they make me feel, seeing how they affect my weight, energy level, etc.. I'm hoping for the best but, being me, I'm neurotic about the worst. :neutral_face:

    Anyway that is the plan, lots of meditation, taking things easy, eating as clean as possible to minimize bloating and feel my best. Thanks again!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I have been on synthroid for a couple years I think now. I noticed nothing but a positive change from it. I do still have my thyroid though. Hang in there!
  • CARoberts73
    CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    I have been on synthroid for a couple years I think now. I noticed nothing but a positive change from it. I do still have my thyroid though. Hang in there!

    Thanks Cindy, that's the kind of thing I really need to hear. :wink:

  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    oh honey.. I think you should just concentrate on being well.. then worry about the weight. Eat healthy and get well fast..
  • CARoberts73
    CARoberts73 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you kkimpel. That's basically what I'm doing. I'm not measuring, not stressing, but I am sticking to lower carb foods just because I feel better that way. Yesterday I discovered I'm in ketosis without even trying. Oh the irony..... :o Surgery is set for early November so just going to coast and be sensible until then.