Week 6 weigh in! (10/10-10/16)

Hi ladies! I hope you are all doing well! I am finally recovering from my knee injury! Hurray! I was also able to move to the second phase of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It is WAY more intense. I sweat a lot more! But the fact that I was able to do it 2 days in a row says something! LOL

So, I was feeling discouraged about my slow loss in my hips. Some weeks there is no change, other weeks it's only 1/2". But I decided to see how much I lost total since I started recording how many inches I have lost. I just looked and on August 18th I did my measurements and my hips were at 38"! So in 8 weeks I have lost a total of 4.5" in my hips alone. I guess that's not too shabby. I have lost 7" in my waist and 3.5" in each thigh in those 8 weeks as well! I know that as we get into the groove of things that inches and weight lost will slow a little. But I would be stoked if I could continue on that trend I guess!

Anyhow here are my stats from today:
Starting weight: 154 (What I weighed when I started working out again at 6 weeks pp)
Last weigh in: 132
Current weight: 130.5
Pre-pregnancy weight: 125 (5.5 pounds until I reach my first goal!)
Goal weight: 115 (15.5 pounds until I reach my goal weight!)

I have lost a total of 23.5 pounds in 9 weeks!

1.5 lbs lost this week!

Waist: 29.5" (1.5" lost from last measurement)
Hips: 33.5" (1/2" lost from last measurement)
Bust: 31" (1/2" lost from last measurement)
Thighs: 20.5" (1/2" lost from last measurement)
Arms: 10" (1/2" lost from last measurement)

I hope you are all doing great and are encouraged!


  • I'm was 129 on weigh in day! That's a loss of 4 pounds in one week. I didn't do any crazy dieting so my body must be doing something weird. I may have been bloated last week and dehydrated this week or something of that nature. I did change my calorie goal from 2,000 to 1700. 4 pounds to prepregnancy! 9 pounds to goal!