June Sign-Ups



  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Carol, Kate, and Eniola. Welcome.

    One more day, everyone!
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Caradae - Thank you for starting this group...I'm liking the concept already and appreciate the clear cut expectations.

    I'm Donna - 42 yr old Mom of 2 boys and wife to my college sweetheart. I'm on an ultimate mission to lose 122 lbs. I've lost 47...and much of that 47 is since January 1st. The last week has been a bit stressful and hectic. I've eaten "out of the ordinary" and I don't like it....so I'm going to turn this ship around and keep on sailing the way I was prior to the stress attack! ;D

    Summer is tough...with all the "outings" with kiddos...work, house...etc... but I know my biggest way to succeed is to eat healthy.

    I'm a tad too tired to elaborate too much more...
    but to stay on track;
    I like to plan my meals ahead...always, always...have a few nuts and a piece of fruit with me if at all possible.
    but I am here to work hard and unless we're hit by an asteroid or something...I should be on here.
    Here we go peeps! Let's work hard!
  • iBling
    iBling Posts: 1

    I decided to forgo it alone. Good luck to you all.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Thank you so much for moderating this group! I joined this group because I started to realize the power of accountability friends through MFP. However, with friends on MFP you have to worry a little bit about not being too critical of their dieting,exercising, taking breaks. In this group there are no worries that people will forget to tell you when you messed up and you need to do better! You will be told with a kick on the behind which is sometimes what is needed!

    My name is Amy and I'm 26, I have a 9-month old baby girl, and I'm stay-at-home for now while my husband works. My baby was born with PDA and ASD heart defects and has some related health problems and feeding problems. It is stressful, but I do my best during the day and she is overall a happy and healthy little baby girl, so there is still time for myself a little to exercise and make sure I eat right.

    My intentions/strategies to maintain my place in this group are:
    *Exercise first thing in the morning no matter what (that way there are no excuses later on in the day)
    *Plan what I eat before I eat it (especially if I go away for the weekend and I don't have my computer)
    *Have MFP website open as much as possible on my computer so I will remember to log and post on this group site.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Donna and Amy. Glad to have you.

    Okay, guys. We start tomorrow! Good luck, everyone.
  • Hi.
    My name is Monica but my friends call me Moe.
    I have struggled for years with my weight but I'm very serious about losing the excess and getting toned and healthy.
    I am ADHD/OCD, have pcos and an anxiety disorder.
    Since starting my diet/health plan on May 8, I have lost 16 pounds. I just recently added exercise/daily workouts to my plan and hope to keep progressing towards my goal
  • SKAVY7178
    SKAVY7178 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all,

    I am SKAVY :) Need to be at less than 30BMI before a surgery in October....that's about 13lbs. But in TOTAL I have around 40lbs to lose... will do my best ! GL to all :D
  • AnnetteNJ
    AnnetteNJ Posts: 29
  • AnnetteNJ
    AnnetteNJ Posts: 29
    June 1, 2013
    Hi everyone my name is Annette and I am not married, no kids and I have a desk job. I have been on MFP for 115 days straight and I look forward to reaching 200. I exercise at least 5-6 times a week and I have found out that I get angry if I can't find a way to exercise. I am on MFP more than FB or any other waste of time I thought I couldn't live without before. I have always done better when there is accountably so I have one of my friends at work make me weigh in every Monday and if I gain any weight even an ounce I have to pay $5.00 for each ounce. So far I am happy to say I have not paid any $!!!

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1) I will log on to MFP and read the motivational stories and blogs
    2) I buy a pair of jeans or pants a size or two smaller than I am and I try
    them on now and then to see how close I am from fitting in to them.
    3) I have a Fitbit temporarily until I get my Nike fuel band replaced to track my daily steps at work.
    4) Take a Zumba class and sweat my *kitten* off
    5) Go for a walk or treat myself to a mani/pedi
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Monica, SKAVY, Annette. Welcome!