Stef Sardelsa's Log

sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
Hi all,
I decided I would start a log about my bulking progress and journey. I started trying to gain in September but have been at maintenance for awhile.
A little about me:
I started here on MFP to lose the baby weight, I started to lift heavy (didn't really follow a program) noticed some significant changes and I was hooked. However, with the weight loss I noticed my backside suffered in the process. I am determined to get my booty back! I have decided to focus on the Strong Curves program -Gorgeous Glutes- which is a lower body focused program. I am not particularly looking to bulk my upper body so much (if I can help it).

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 122lbs
Maintenance: 2900-3100 cals (I think)
Current intake: 3200 cals
I haven't taken proper measurements in awhile, I will have to update on that.

Right now I am nursing so that is definitely adding a huge challenge to my bulk.


  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Lookin good! Yeah you're at a perfect place for bulking, I think you'll be really happy with the results. You'll also be amazed at what bulking can do for your booty. My booty kind of went away when I cut, but I know it will return with bulk #2, because that's what happened the first time (I grew a booty I never knew existed lol). I know it's challenging finding the bulking sweet spot calorie wise, but just keep increasing slowly and you'll get there.
  • Skyepie535
    Good luck :)
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Yaaaay! I'm doing Strong Curves/Advanced too. I did my first bulk using SC earlier this year as well. I think you will be very pleased bulking and do the program. :)

    How much are you looking to gain?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks ladies! :)
    Yaaaay! I'm doing Strong Curves/Advanced too. I did my first bulk using SC earlier this year as well. I think you will be very pleased bulking and do the program. :)

    How much are you looking to gain?
    I am not sure yet, maybe 8lbs for this first bulk at least.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Not much to report over here, I think I am finally gaining, but it is hard to tell since I over the weekend I didn't log (it was thanksgiving and I wanted a mini break) so most likely the gains are just water. I will get back to tracking consistently this week and see if I need to increase my cals or not.
  • Skyepie535
    :) cool! its good to have a break sometimes. I think 1 day a week I wont track :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited January 2016
    Argg I am having one of those days.. I should be happy that after a huge plateau for weeks on end, the scale is finally moving. But now everytime I weigh myself the scale goes up and up (I am up about 2 lbs since last week)... please remind me that this is normal! But good news is since last month my waist measurement has gone down 0.5" and my hips are up 0.25".. could be user error (I try to do it as accurately as possible) but it makes me feel better about it all so I will go with it.
    We also dropped one middle of the night feed so that might very well be 100 calories a day right there, arggg.. nursing makes this so much more complicated.

    I read this article by Bret Contreras (
    someone posted in the gaining forums about the pros and cons of bulking/cutting vs recomp and it seems he is more for recomp in women. I have been recomping for awhile (not particularly by choice) and the results have been amazing, but at the same time, I really want to see gains. He makes this point about "looking good around the clock" when we are at our ideal weight. Arg I don't know. I know I still want to bulk but I might take a more cautious approach. Of course I want to be strong and I love to lift.. I love all the noms I get to eat....but to be honest a lot of this is aesthetics for me. (I hope that doesn't sound shallow!) I just feel like I worked so hard to get here, I don't want to lose it.
    Don't worry, for now I will ride the bulking train since I see all of the fantastic results in this group so that keeps me going.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Don't worry, for now I will ride the bulking train since I see all of the fantastic results in this group so that keeps me going.
    I think this is a wise decision.

    The pictures aren't consistent so it's not really a good comparison from your first set of pictures. I would suggesting using the same clothes- same lighting and same poses... it'll give you a better look month to month- beginning to end. Because honestly I can't tell anything of value to you between the sets of pictures :(

    I honestly think continuing on a real bulk is a good thing- you're pretty lean as it is- and you should be able to put on some solid muscle if you're bulking- take advantage of this opportunity to really hammer it in there.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited October 2014
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Don't worry, for now I will ride the bulking train since I see all of the fantastic results in this group so that keeps me going.
    I think this is a wise decision.

    The pictures aren't consistent so it's not really a good comparison from your first set of pictures. I would suggesting using the same clothes- same lighting and same poses... it'll give you a better look month to month- beginning to end. Because honestly I can't tell anything of value to you between the sets of pictures :(

    I honestly think continuing on a real bulk is a good thing- you're pretty lean as it is- and you should be able to put on some solid muscle if you're bulking- take advantage of this opportunity to really hammer it in there.

    Thanks Jo. :)
    Oh yea I agree about the photos, there is no way to compare the two (would help if I put them side by side too), and I am standing in all different angles. More there to remind me where I stand and the areas that I am working on (legs and glutes)
    Yeah I think I just need to keep at it.. I hate the mental aspect, always gets in the way of the awesomeness of it all !!!

  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Yeah just keep at it! It definitely takes time and patience and sometimes weight won't budge for a long time and then it will shoot up...but just keep monitoring the trends.

    About deciding on bulking/cutting vs. recomping...yeah it's a tough decision. It all depends on your goals etc. I think a big factor is your body fat %, since fat contributes to many of the hormonal/metabolic changes that occur. If your BF% is too high, then bulking can be counterproductive from both an aesthetic and health perspective. But you're lean, so you're at a good place for bulking if you choose to do so. I agree with what he says in the article about checks and balances- keep an eye on your BF% and you'll be ok. Decide what BF% range you want to maintain and just fluctuate within that range. One thing you could do is bulk until you reach the top of that range and then cut (or recomp) until you get back down to the low end.

    For me, recomping just wasn't cutting it :) , so bulking was a necessity to put on much needed muscle. Also remember that you can try just a slight surplus. I think most women can see great results while eating at just above maintenance (since maintenance is usually a wide range and many women are at the low end or under).
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Oh and btw, I know what you mean about not wanting to lose your good results. I've been struggling with that a bit as well, since my abs are starting to disappear. But at the end of the day I ask myself 'do I want to just maintain this or do I want to get stronger and put on more muscle?' And for me, getting stronger and putting on more muscle is what I want to do at this point in time. So that's why I'm doing a bulk at a slight surplus, and I'll see where that takes me. I can always get the abs back if I want to do another cut in the future.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Oh and btw, I know what you mean about not wanting to lose your good results. I've been struggling with that a bit as well, since my abs are starting to disappear. But at the end of the day I ask myself 'do I want to just maintain this or do I want to get stronger and put on more muscle?' And for me, getting stronger and putting on more muscle is what I want to do at this point in time. So that's why I'm doing a bulk at a slight surplus, and I'll see where that takes me. I can always get the abs back if I want to do another cut in the future.
    Yes thank you! I know the abs might go but you are right, I can always get them back. Plus it's sweater season, easy to hide under. I am at a point where recomping just won't do what I need to do, so I am 100% in this bulk!

    You ladies in this group are the voice of reason for me... yes, I could just stay where I am which would be OK... but why not shoot higher, get stronger.

    So far I am doing alright, I think I need to eat more in between breakfast and lunch, I seem to have so many leftover calories come dinnertime, mostly carbs of course arggg. I mean, that's what ice cream is for but still, I need to work on better meal planning.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I wanted to add, I hardly ever feel DOMS in the glutes. I know it doesn't necessarily mean anything, and I can feel them activate with each move. With the Strong Curves program you are working them 3x per week so it wouldn't make sense to be so sore that I can't perform the next workout. I know he says all this in the book, it is just so hard mentally to keep it in mind while bulking, it feels like - oh no I didn't work hard enough, whatever I ate will turn to fat. It is all proper form + glute activation, not lift until you break.
  • Skyepie535
    Im the same, I never feel DOMS in the quads but ive seen growth in them :) and with your calories I find adding a glass of light milk (or honey) is an easier option if I don't feel like a heavy carb like bread :) hope this helps!
    keep it up :) don't be so hard on yourself ;)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks Skye.

    Vent warning! :s

    Uch I am having a grumpy day. I didn't sleep last night (teething baby, uch) I lost weight, either it was water this whole time or maybe the gains were getting to me and indirectly I was eating a little less.. I have no idea. I upped my cals by 50 just to push myself to make sure I hit the bare minimum. I am already sick of this bulk. I feel like I am always eating. On top of it, my lifting sesh was crap today, my bench press was just so off, I don't know what happened. Then baby woke up towards the end, had to leave out a few exercises so that sucked. I am also stressed because it is her first Birthday party here at the house on Saturday and I have so much to do. I will be missing a few workouts this weekend, but that is life.
    I am going to Walmart tonight and I am buying all the yums. Ice cream, oreos, cereals, peanut butters... I am running out of yummy bulking foods to fill my gaps at the end of the day.

    Sorry about that, I just had to let it out! I need my afternoon coffee... badly!

  • Skyepie535
    feel free to vent love :) your awesome handling a baby and your bulk :) (and everything else).
    Im feeling the same way. bulking is so hard and im not sure im ready for it. I always feel full and I feel like bulking doesn't teach intuitive eating. its like 'must get cals in'!
    Hope you're feeling better today and that the birthday party goes well :))
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Whoa, I just realized you said your maintenance is 2900-3100! Are you sure that's correct? I'm just asking because you mentioned you were sick of eating all that time and man, you weren't kidding if you're eating 3200 every day! It just sounds high for someone that is your height/weight. You are breastfeeding, so that adds, what like 300 calories per day? Maybe more? Just wondering if you've tested your maintenance.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hey thanks ladies.

    Well I was maintaining since September, adding 100 calories per week (from 2700) until the scale moved.. so far it goes up, then comes back down so I think I am just at the cusp of my maintenance/very slight surplus. I have also cut down the breastfeeding so both of those things should work in my favour... should... That is the problem, my maintenance is like a moving target right now due to the nursing, but I am trying to work with it!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Oh wow, then you just have a high TDEE! I've seen upwards of 3K for bulking but usually in women that have been at this a while. You are lucky, but I can see how it would get old to eat that much every day. I might have said it somewhere else, but liquid calories are your friend. Drink a glass of milk/juice/whatever with every meal and even in between. Have a caramel frappachino machawhatever. Lol. ;)
  • Skyepie535
    liquid calories for the win :) Soy lattes! :) hehe.