Stef Sardelsa's Log



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    So great news, I lifted again today and NO back pain! :D No deadlifts today (bc they weren't in the schedule) so I am not sure if that is causing my problem.

  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2014
    That's great for no back pain! I've been kind of worried about injuring my lower back since I've started to really increase the weight on my hip thrusts. It seems kind of tricky to get the glute activation and not have the lower back involved to some degree.

    I wouldn't worry about PRs (in terms of comparing them to others' PRs). My PRs are embarrassing in comparison, but I'm making progress, so that's what matters...that's why they're called 'personal records.' Yeah I would love to be able to lift more, but I can't do it without potentially injuring myself (or having bad form), so slow and steady it is.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks! Ya the hip thrusts tend to agitate my back, even without weights. The bar also kills my hip bones, I have a pad but it still hurts. Maybe it is resting on the wrong place?

    I know I tend to see for example " Today my deadlift was 190, hip thrust 225!" I'm like... uhhh... I could lift for 5 years and I won't hit those numbers. And we are talking newbies in some cases too. I can't help but look at my own PRs and be disappointed at how tiny they are. BUT you are 100% right, progress is progress, I need to only compete with myself.

    So excited, I have a black tie gala to go to on Saturday, my mom is babysitting.. it will be a nice date night for hubby and I. Plus I found the perfect black dress (you can also see it in my profile), it was 70% off too! Win! B)


    Hope you are all doing well. :)
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    you look stunning! I think I am going to create a log here to track my progress, I am so bad that I have not take measurements, gonna do it tomorrow morning and maybe post some pictures here :-)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks funfang!

    So I have decided that logging my food has been causing me stress, and I am spending so much time measuring and weighing and entering food on here, esp the amount I have to enter.. I am exhausted and becoming a little obsessive about it all. As a result, I am taking a little break from logging food but I will continue to weigh myself often to make sure I am eating enough. Of course I will still be around here and there to check in on you ladies!
  • Skyepie535
    Hey girl!! just read about your back and im glad its all healed up for you :) You are looking great and don't worry about pr's (comparing to others)- im the same! we are both small framed so just have your own journey and if you feel strong and fit you are winning!
    I found a break from tracking was really good for me (back to actually enjoying my foods). I hope it helps you too :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I am so wishy-washy lately... so not tracking at all was stressing me out even more so I have decided to lightly track (only track some days, half days, take weekends off) just to keep myself in check and make sure my macros are in line.

    I am at about the midpoint in this bulk (4 lbs in) and I am getting so tired of it already! I know I am not where I want to be physically, so cutting/recomp at this point would be a huge waste. I think that is what is keeping my mind in the game... what is the point of going back where I was? I want to look better, be stronger. lift heavier. I am really happy with my booty and hip progress so far, I can't wait to keep going and then recomp/cut... trying to keep my eye on the prize !!
  • Skyepie535
    tracking is a love hate relationship haha. im loving it at the moment, but as soon as its stressing me ill take a break :)
    chin up chicken!!! your getting stronger everyday remember that ! :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Data nerd alert !!!! :p Here is my updated charts from Oct on... I weigh a few times a week, just to give those of you an idea of normal weight/water flucs


    As you can see the upward trend in gain when a trendline is added


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Wish I knew how to do that - looks very useful. I have the ziggyzaggy one covered but no patience to track the averages.

    I must admit, fluctuations will affect me more on the bulk as I'll think, oh no, a loss, I better eat more :/ (at least I know I do it, might be able to hold back this time)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    Wish I knew how to do that - looks very useful. I have the ziggyzaggy one covered but no patience to track the averages.

    I must admit, fluctuations will affect me more on the bulk as I'll think, oh no, a loss, I better eat more :/ (at least I know I do it, might be able to hold back this time)

    I plotted my data into Excel and it made a chart for me. Weighing several times per week is definitely not for everyone, especially if the daily fluctuations tend to make you eat more or less.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Nice! Yeah I love data too, so exciting to see the numbers reflect your progress :p
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    So far I love Strong Curves, I love most of the exercises and all that. But I hate how it switches every 4 weeks. I didn't mind the first switch since it went from adding weight to mostly body weight work. But this next one I don't really like. Some of the exercises are the same but some he changes, this annoys me because I want to see progression, not start from scratch. There are many of you lately that have had issues with Bret's programs and have either switched programs or modified them. I HATE not following a program properly, but I just... I can't handle it.

    So I modified the next sets of weeks 9-12, pretty much similar to weeks 5-8 what I have been doing up to this point. I am keeping all the hip thrusts (all 3 kinds) as is though. The one I did today is 3 sets of 20 reps. Ohhh boy. Rough I tell ya. :#

    I hope I am doing the right thing... I guess time will tell. I feel so much success from weeks 5-8 I don't want to ruin my progress. Anyone have any experience with Strong Curves programs who can comment??
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I feel like my weight is climbing so quickly these days. I am now 5 lbs up, which is about right but a little fast. I am no longer nursing my child as often and taking shorter walks outside due to the cold so that definitely will take a toll on my TDEE. I don't want to cut it down just yet so I am going to wait a few weeks and see what happens.

    Also, we were invited to a wedding in the Bahamas in mid-April. I am still not sure what I am going to do, I might start my cut in February to be somewhat ready for April. I don't really know how I am going to look after I gain more weight so I may not have to or want to cut too much. So far so good, I have gained only about 1/2" in my waist and 1" in my hips since the start which is great, it looks pretty proportional so no one would even notice I have gained at all. Mah booty is starting to pop though, sooo excited ! :D
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Decided to take some progress shots today, two months apart.


    Ok my tummy looks a lot bigger for some reason in the second photo but I swear it didn't grow that much, haha.. nonetheless I am so happy with the booty not so much the size but how it is filling out. It's hard to see in the photo but there is a huge difference IRL. Yay!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Fantastic results in just 2 months! :o jealous!
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Great results and booty! Yeah I know what you mean about the filling out....mine is doing the same thing which is good because it used to be so flat
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks ladies! :)

    Nothing really much to update, bulk is going well, I lowered my cal goal to around 3K for the week BUT I don't really log on weekends and don't hold back so it seems to be working really well, I am up ~6lbs since I (officially) started in October, yay! I think I will go until mid-Feb then cut. I also took my measurements last week, these gains are compared to August, before I started bulking:

    Waist (at belly button): up 1"
    Chest: no change
    Thighs: up 2"
    Hips: up 2"

    The rest I didn't measure before so I don't have a baseline.
    I think I am finally getting used to gaining weight. I mean, it is frustrating when you can pinch your back fat and the definition is gone - but on the positive side, I finally have my pre-pregnancy curves back. It is interesting that I had very similar measurements back in April before I started using MFP regularly however if you compare how my body looked then and now, what a HUGE difference.. that reassures me that I am not just getting 'fat.'
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    nice- loving the pictures- you are looking fabulous.

  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    wow! you look GREAT! good job!!!