Week 1: No sweets for the week!



  • NakeshiaBeard
    3 days left!!!
  • mellyboobear
    mellyboobear Posts: 117 Member
    merca666 wrote: »
    On my day 3 and no sugar :smiley: - feels good!

    Glad to hear! I'm feeling pretty good myself, and best part is that my skin is clearing up :D

    my skin is clearing up a ton as well!! who knew what could be done in a week!
  • NakeshiaBeard
    Hi all! Hope you all survived the first week!

    Sorry to say that I've been a bit slack the last couple of days and having being updating on my progress... the good news is that I made it! For a whole week not a morsel of chocolate, candy, cake or cookie passed my lips, nor a drop of soda! I'm feeling pretty darn good about this and as a reward I'm booking myself in for a facial treatment :smile:

    One thing that helped get me through was fruit. Also, I whipped up some "chocolate" protein balls, which didn't actually contain chocolate, only cocoa and I used coconut oil and a little vanilla as a replacement for honey. They weren't sweet, but nutty and chocolately enough to get me through any cravings.

    On to a new week! I'll post this weeks challenge in a new thread.