Ladies: What are you shark week symptoms?

I'll be apolgizing to my husband later. This is my first shark week on Keto. I had an ablation about 9 months ago so I don't usually have a period however I did yesterday. I'm swearing like a sailor at everything that's annoying which pretty much EVERYTHING. I feel like I've dropped 20 IQ points (no extra bullet proofing coffee will help). It's like I'm in a purple haze without the purple. I'm so tired, bloated, shaky, sweaty, and sick to my stomache to the point what little breakfast I could muster has almost come up twice; keto flu times 10. The only thing missing is the headaches--thank goodness for that.

Men, if you'd like to chime in on your Keto wife's symptoms have at it. If all for kicks and giggles. Yeah...I hope you're sharing the suffering. >:)


  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Oh I so didn't see your post.....snap to all the above but my MFP friends are keeping me sane, interested and focused . Oh I can't wait until it's over
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    I've been doing this for 5 mo. I have to say that overall in my experience periods get better. But as we lose, our estrogen level gets wonked due to fat loss, so you could have a rogue bad one. The time before last... whew! My poor family! I generally feel tired, easily saddened, and the cramps and headaches suck. But everything is less intense than it was before. Talk about rage. LOL! Glad that's over.
  • baconslave-ugh that sounds awful but I'm glad it's getting better for you. My family goes through hell. There's 3 girls in the house on the same cycle it's amazing my hubby and son are alive!
  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    My last was early and felt like it lasted forever. Currently dealing with it, its light and no cramps. I have been extra emotional though. lol
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    BansheeCat wrote: »
    baconslave-ugh that sounds awful but I'm glad it's getting better for you. My family goes through hell. There's 3 girls in the house on the same cycle it's amazing my hubby and son are alive!

    I have 2 girls and 2 boys but my oldest girl is old enough to start and last time she was such a raging witch. OMG! I thought I was going to have to lock her in her room, sedated!

    mrsfancyab wrote: »
    My last was early and felt like it lasted forever. Currently dealing with it, its light and no cramps. I have been extra emotional though. lol

    It seems like my TOM is different every time now, and except the first 2 go-rounds, it got regular again. But I'm either more tired or more emotional than another time (never both) but it's all leveled out as "not as psycho as I used to be." Which can only be a good thing. :smiley:

  • jessrex
    jessrex Posts: 41 Member
    I have had FOUR shark weeks in the two months I've been keto, even through my BCP. Doc is supportive of keto and confirmed the fat loss/estrogen idea, said if it goes more than three cycles (start my third pack on keto today) to come see her for a new BC method :\
  • janhiness
    janhiness Posts: 32 Member
    My first keto period was horrible. It was almost enough to make me quick the whole thing. I made it through. I had heavy bleeding and cravings like crazy. Well just had my second keto period and I had light bleeding and it only lasted about three days. No cravings and no crazy mood swings like I usually have. Hopefully it gets better. My husband knows to just stay away during my period ha.
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in week 2 of keto and am in the middle of my first keto SW. Seriously the most hormonal I've felt in ages. I have deep body aches and a rage I can't even begin to describe...well, last night I described it to my husband as "murder in my soul." He just smiled, handed me a shot of whiskey and backed away slowly.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    truelove7 wrote: »
    I'm in week 2 of keto and am in the middle of my first keto SW. Seriously the most hormonal I've felt in ages. I have deep body aches and a rage I can't even begin to describe...well, last night I described it to my husband as "murder in my soul." He just smiled, handed me a shot of whiskey and backed away slowly.

    Smart man! (on both counts)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    truelove7 wrote: »
    I'm in week 2 of keto and am in the middle of my first keto SW. Seriously the most hormonal I've felt in ages. I have deep body aches and a rage I can't even begin to describe...well, last night I described it to my husband as "murder in my soul." He just smiled, handed me a shot of whiskey and backed away slowly.

    Smart man! (on both counts)

    Exactly. LOL!

    It does get better though.
  • truelove7 wrote: »
    I'm in week 2 of keto and am in the middle of my first keto SW. Seriously the most hormonal I've felt in ages. I have deep body aches and a rage I can't even begin to describe...well, last night I described it to my husband as "murder in my soul." He just smiled, handed me a shot of whiskey and backed away slowly.


    Your hubby is a very smart guym. Mine wasn't so lucky. I was in a rip roaring mood one time so my he bought a bottle of whiskey for me...except he didn't back a way fast enough so I tore into him about assuming I'm an alcoholic. Poor guy.

    This shark week has been very calm --if nonexistant. Bliss for everyone!

  • I haven't really noticed a change. I still get the typical bloating and mild cramps. I stay off the scales for a couple days and take the Midol and wait for it to pass.
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    He really is a smart man...I think I'll keep him. Feeling much better today now that IT's over. I didn't realize how lethargic I was until today's burst of energy. I also stepped on the scale and am officially down 7 lbs in 2 weeks. I realize it's probably mostly water, but the scale is headed in the right direction!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    truelove7 wrote: »
    He really is a smart man...I think I'll keep him. Feeling much better today now that IT's over. I didn't realize how lethargic I was until today's burst of energy. I also stepped on the scale and am officially down 7 lbs in 2 weeks. I realize it's probably mostly water, but the scale is headed in the right direction!

    Congrats. A loss is a loss. I don't care if it's water weight. It's still 7 less lbs. weighing you down. Keep it up. :)
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hehehe. Im having my first since starting keto in a few days...currently pmsing. So far this is better, still easily aggravated and acne-ed but not bloated or lethargic. Plus, I get cheese this month. The boyfriend literally bought me a block of sharp cheddar yesterday. <3
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I've had a Mirena for about 3 years now. My periods are pretty much non-existent other than chocolate cravings! Every so often I might get what I'd call an "actual period" in which case I fall into that raging hormonal witch phase with the chocolate cravings!