TOM, cravings and coconut oil

globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
So as some of you may know, I travel every month internationally for 2 weeks at a time. This means I literally have to pack my case for 15 days every month. As I am still in my first 2 weeks into my Keto journey, I knew that I had to avoid crazy cheats or major compromises where possible.

Thank goodness I packed my coconut oil!!! I felt so weird wrapping it all up and foiling it in case of drastic pillages but a Keto girl has got to keep her super powers with her at all times ;) so far so good however, every month I suffer really bad from pre TOM cravings which usually last a day or so (Dan do you have TOM in your compilation list ? As a man, impressive if so ) .

My only cheat and I say cheat as I really am against fake food were the 4 Atkins bars I bought yesterday (just in case) ....that just in case has turned into a 50% consumption within 12 hours! Tonight, I am also having a glass of red to help with the symptoms of losing my mind with cravings. The great thing about being in a hotel is that unless you make the effort of stepping out, you pretty much have to make to do ring room service.

So ladies, what do you all crave around your time? Or do you find the cravings have subsided the more you have become adapted and further along your journey. Interested to hear thoughts xx


  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Oops, @Bansheecat had posted similar topic....sorry to inundate our forum with such 'heavy ' stuff ;)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    TOM = time of month? Not a Keto term. Can't add to my list.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    edited October 2014
    DittoDan wrote: »
    TOM = time of month? Not a Keto term. Can't add to my list. away run away
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member

    Thank goodness I packed my coconut oil!!! I felt so weird wrapping it all up and foiling it in case of drastic pillages but a Keto girl has got to keep her super powers with her at all times ;) so far so good however, every month I suffer really bad from pre TOM cravings which usually last a day or so (Dan do you have TOM in your compilation list ? As a man, impressive if so ) .

    I travel weekly, and pack all kinds of weird stuff, and get my bag searched by TSA a minimum of 2-3 times a month. This weeks winners were chia seeds in a tupperware container, and loose leaf tea...that i dumped into a clear quart baggie this morning because i was afraid the tin would pop open in my bag. probably not one of my smartest maneuvers...but hey, it was 430 am.

    I've had an uh....extraction process, so I'm not even sure when TOM is anymore (although that man I married will tell you HE always used to get sweet/salty cravings. chocolate/ice cream, to be immediately followed by some type of chip. Now I get cravings for things like ghee, pimento cheese and nut butter. maybe we crave what gives us the most comfort or will satisfy an underlying need at any given point in time? I think our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for at times. Good luck keto-ing abroad!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    TOM = time of month? Not a Keto term. Can't add to my list.

    That's me told! ;)
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    nill4me wrote: »

    Thank goodness I packed my coconut oil!!! I felt so weird wrapping it all up and foiling it in case of drastic pillages but a Keto girl has got to keep her super powers with her at all times ;) so far so good however, every month I suffer really bad from pre TOM cravings which usually last a day or so (Dan do you have TOM in your compilation list ? As a man, impressive if so ) .

    I travel weekly, and pack all kinds of weird stuff, and get my bag searched by TSA a minimum of 2-3 times a month. This weeks winners were chia seeds in a tupperware container, and loose leaf tea...that i dumped into a clear quart baggie this morning because i was afraid the tin would pop open in my bag. probably not one of my smartest maneuvers...but hey, it was 430 am.

    I've had an uh....extraction process, so I'm not even sure when TOM is anymore (although that man I married will tell you HE always used to get sweet/salty cravings. chocolate/ice cream, to be immediately followed by some type of chip. Now I get cravings for things like ghee, pimento cheese and nut butter. maybe we crave what gives us the most comfort or will satisfy an underlying need at any given point in time? I think our bodies are way smarter than we give them credit for at times. Good luck keto-ing abroad!

    Hahaha hilarious, at least it's not just me and I know what TSA Stateside can be like.......scary to say the least.

    Oh icecream, that 'c' word again...argh I wish I was hone to wizz myself up a Keto adapted batch.

    Thanks for your input, I hope my body savvies up pretty soon to what I need and not what it thinks it wants xx
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    My only cheat and I say cheat as I really am against fake food were the 4 Atkins bars I bought yesterday (just in case)

    Check the labels on those. Some (most?) Atkins products use Malitol as a sweetener, which is pretty darn high up on the Glycemic Index, one of the worst offenders for sugar alcohols and some of it will absorb just like sugar, which they don't say on the bars.

    Quest Bars use Erythritol which has a 0 glycemic index rating, I'd recommend trying those next time you feel the need :)
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Good tip....... I knew they were bad bad bad, just didn't understand the science side of it! I live in the UK and can't get quest bars so easily but will make an order when I am home as a back up and actually good for my multiple long haul flights I take every month. Thank you :)
  • Like you, I don't like processed food like protein bars, etc. I like source food ( I should taste or see the ingredients I'm eating). I'd adding nuts, macadamia nuts preferred for the Omega balance, but any will do or nut butter.

    My post didn't get much traction so I'm jumping on this one.

    For me I have food aversions, not cravings, but this is my first TOM on Keto. I hear each time can be different. Symptoms feel like I'm being kicked out of ketosis daily resulting in a keto flu an hour after breakfast until dinner. If I were to go off the keto sticks alone, my ketones don't register until the late afternoon, when they usually register after breakfast other times.

  • RockLobster4
    RockLobster4 Posts: 18 Member
    I just finished my first week of keto, and so far I love it as a method of dieting. I don't know if I can maintain it as a lifestyle, because my husband is supportive, but not joining me on this journey. I love how full I feel, which is the opposite of how I've felt on traditional calorie-restrictive diets. That being said, my TOM just arrived yesterday, and I went to Costco and wanted to devour every single treat I saw. The cakes and cookies and even the turkey pesto sandwiches were making my mouth water and it took every ounce of strength to keep putting spinach and almond flour into the cart instead of the sweetness around me. I got home and my children were eating ice cream for dessert and I had to go into the other room to avoid stealing it from them! Also on Sunday, I was already down 10 pounds, but today I am only down 6. I'm hoping that when the TOM is over, the weight will continue to come off.

    Good luck globegirl! I can't imagine starting keto and having to travel - and then with TOM on top of that! Stay strong :smiley:
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    First tom on keto was last week. I felt a little nauseous the day before, but none of the regular cramps or tenderness. My cravings were vastly controlled. Usually that week I want "something" constantly, but last week wasn't too bad. I definitely was satisfied and comfortably able to stick with the program. The one thing, I did drink a lot more water then usual. I was constantly thirsty.

  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you ladies, we are all in this together .....literally :)

    @bansheecat , thank you for the tips....nut butters, great idea!

    @RockLobster , you have achieved such an amazing weight loss and your strength is surely paying off. New to Keto but not new to low carb diets. I tried Dukan twice over the past 2 years to shift some excess weight and both times I stalled before and during TOM. After the 'time' I think I dropped like 4-6's madness. I retain a lot though especially with the flying. Also, as I always feel so hefty and bloated just before, I think I subconsciously cut my portions slightly.

    @DAM5412 , more water for me.....sounds great x
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    TOM = time of month? Not a Keto term. Can't add to my list.

    That's me told! ;)

    If any man has been married, they know the term. The term, "Shark week" (on BansheeCat's post) was new to me though. I figured it out by the context of the discussion. My guess about the origin of the phrase would be that a woman doesn't swim in shark infested waters at the TOM. The phrase sounds scary, I wonder if its really true? (LOL!)

  • My guess about the origin of the phrase would be that a woman doesn't swim in shark infested waters at the TOM. The phrase sounds scary, I wonder if its really true?

    Two possible origins--The one you're questioning, there's no data to support sharks attacking women during that time, but I wouldn't encourage it unless certain measures were taken.

    we turn into sharks.

  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I've had one keto tom so far and it was bad. I had my normal cravings which I satisfied with atkins bars also. I noticed that I had a bunch of processed foods with added sweeteners. Then I ended up bloated from it. Now I know better for next time. The other problem is that my tom was much longer than usual. I really hope it's easier this next time.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Had my last (of 4 ) naughty bars last night.....loved every last morsel of it. Without the red wine, I felt slightly less guilty and actually the cravings have subsided somewhat. With me , it's always the 'pre' and maybe day 1 of the time I am fine. Will let you know how the rest of the symptoms to toward the end....still on the edge of tears but I blame that on Dan's great movie link he posted !

  • mrsfancyab
    mrsfancyab Posts: 64 Member
    Got to love the lovely TOM :s
    I had a crazy sweet tooth 2 days ago, CRAZY and I normally don't even crave sweets. I fought it off for the most part I had been keeping these carb smart ice cream bars in the house, made by Breyers, they have splenda in them, 9 carbs per bar... Kills the craving. However this time I didn't have on hand & ended up stuffing a donut in my face.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    BansheeCat wrote: »
    My guess about the origin of the phrase would be that a woman doesn't swim in shark infested waters at the TOM. The phrase sounds scary, I wonder if its really true?

    Two possible origins--The one you're questioning, there's no data to support sharks attacking women during that time, but I wouldn't encourage it unless certain measures were taken.

    we turn into sharks.

    Either way, its sounds scary! :# Back when I was married, I just worked extra or didn't come home on those days. (Maybe that's why I ain't married no more) :s:'(

  • janhiness
    janhiness Posts: 32 Member
    Oh my first keto period sucked. The cravings were horrible and I caved. One thing that helps me are coco almonds. For a serving it's 4 carbs and they are so good. I try to look at them as my little candy treat.