Busy, Stressful Time

lilyann001 Posts: 75 Member
So stress has been a common cause for me to binge eat on fatty/sugary foods and not exercise. It's during stressful times that negative thoughts start creeping in.

Right now in my life I'm not going through much of any stress, but I know soon it will change. I'm applying for a doctorate program and during that time I'll get really stressed out. I'm going to be non-stop studying, living in a completely different state and city, and worried about living expenses 'cuz I won't have much time to work.

What I want to do is to know how I'm going to handle it. What I can change in order to not go back to binge eating and keeping a good routine for my health while in the doctorate program.

Does anyone have any advice on how they handled super busy/stressful times in their life?


  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Mindfulness is probably the simplest way I can put it.
    I stick to my eating plan. Find an eating plan that you are happy with, get on with it and familiar before you start this more stressful time. Stick to the plan.
    Mine is sticking to my calorie goals for my weight loss and keeping junk food to a minimum. I have the odd junk food/takeaway convenience foods now and then as long as it fits into my calorie goal. But working this plan has shown me that when I go off track I gain weight or stop losing.
    I use many other tools. I have a course of weight loss meditations that have worked for me.
    I attend OA which is a 12 step programme for overeaters, this helps me deal with the emotional impact of life rather than returning to food. I exercise regularly.
    None of these things happened overnight, I had to become pro-active. I had an epiphany with my health a year ago that keeps me motivated.
  • awesomekaty
    awesomekaty Posts: 40 Member
    Oh my goodness I completely empathize with you right now.

    Last night I was completely stressed out about work and family and exercise and waking up early today for work and family and exercise.

    But then I distracted myself with television and a fun dance video and it completely took my mind off the bad food cravings. Just keep yourself focused and busy and concentrate on other things that can occupy your time besides food.

    Best of luck!
  • lilyann001
    lilyann001 Posts: 75 Member
    Roaringangel: Thanks for the wonderful tips. I was recommended a mindfulness book, so I will put that on my list to read. It definitely doesn't happen overnight, but step by step hopefully things will improve.
    Awesomekaty: I like the idea of distracting myself when I have the urge. Sometimes I'm busy up until late at night, that's when I start craving the bad foods. Maybe I can start reading or listening to music instead. That way I can go to sleep easier without all the bad cravings.
  • JessieGii
    I feel this...I am living this right now! I will be following the tips, my issues are different but eating out my emotions are making me sick im in pain as we speak and I just feel like enough is enough. I have to look at my glass as half full and not empty. I over think and worry on things I cant fix...its a learning curver and mind over matter! You will get there. Hang in there :smile:
  • lilyann001
    lilyann001 Posts: 75 Member
    JessieGii: Thank you for the motivation! Those are great ideas. Wish you luck. We can do it!
  • laton008
    These are great tips that I will apply in my life....thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
    Mindfulness is probably the simplest way I can put it.
    I stick to my eating plan. Find an eating plan that you are happy with, get on with it and familiar before you start this more stressful time. Stick to the plan.
    Mine is sticking to my calorie goals for my weight loss and keeping junk food to a minimum. I have the odd junk food/takeaway convenience foods now and then as long as it fits into my calorie goal. But working this plan has shown me that when I go off track I gain weight or stop losing.
    I use many other tools. I have a course of weight loss meditations that have worked for me.
    I attend OA which is a 12 step programme for overeaters, this helps me deal with the emotional impact of life rather than returning to food. I exercise regularly.
    None of these things happened overnight, I had to become pro-active. I had an epiphany with my health a year ago that keeps me motivated.