Weekly Wednesday Check in 15th Oct

jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
Hi everyone...I wasn't able to check in last week ...... but I am back now and pleased to report that despite no exercise at all...no swimming, no Aquafit, no Zumba, no running and not even much walking ........I have stayed the same.... :neutral_face:

Hoping to slowly get back to it..maybe a bit more walking next week and back to everything else next month........ :relieved:

Hope you all did well in whatever way you wanted to...... :grin:



  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for getting us started, Jean. Especially since I'm excited to post today. I'm happy to say that I'm down 1.5 pounds since the last time I posted AND that puts me at the 40 pounds lost mark. Yippee! It's been a long road for me, but now my goal is in sight. :D

    Hope everyone else did well either holding steady or losing. Even if not, remember... "Keep moving forward" because I'm here to say that it does work and YOU can do it.

    Thanks to everyone for the inspiration and support. This group is awesome. Have a great day!


  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi all. Well I guess I'll be the first to report a gain. Yes, I'm back up that same 1 pound I've been losing and regaining. I guess I could blame it on our Thanksgiving which was celebrated last weekend. It's the dessert more than anything, but it was soooo good. So now I need to get back on track and lose those last 2 pounds.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Computer: You just got a jump start on all of us in the U.S. who will gain that pound (or more) in November! We will all just be thankful that we have MFP.

    Rose: That is a huge loss! Especially so close to goal. (*)

    Jean: You are a rock. You just keep at it and give us all a lesson in patience.

    Me: Uggggggghhhhh. I am two pounds over (did not change my ticker though). Considering I gain 10 pounds and then lost 8 all the the same week, I'm not too unhappy. It will come back off, plus some. Maybe this week. It is the story of my weight loss journey.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I didn't loose, but I didn't gain. Not what I wanted because I thought for sure I would show a loss this week. so frustrating.
    Rose: congratulations - that is awesome.
    Hopefully my body is just adjusting again, I did gain a belt loop, but the scale sure didn't show it. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    edited October 2014
    Just barely am able to report a 2 pound loss this week. Have increased my Fitbit steps/distance goals which seem to help, although there are times I wonder how accurate that calorie burn is......
    Well done, y'all! Charlie - I remember when I did a sodium induced gain it took almost three weeks to fight it back off :scream: Hope yours goes much, much quicker!

    Off to do a Sam's Club run this morning. With a side stop at Subway - Yippee!!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Hi everyone - it's encouraging to read ALL your posts, whether gaining, losing or staying the same - you all have the "long haul" attitude and we know that's what it takes! A little fluctuation here and there is part of the game.

    This week I hit my first major goal, having reached 201 which represents a loss of more than 10% of my starting weight. My next goal is another 10% (183).

    Also, I finally returned to the gym after years of absence, and it felt so great! I was most happy about opening that door to strength training as well as swimming ... and then the sauna & steam room rewards!! Oh yeah. That gets better and better as the cold weather comes in.

    I am struggling with keeping my carbs down while not going overboard on fat and protein --- always a juggling act. I have an appointment in November with a nutritionist and I'm sure she will help me find some solutions. Meanwhile, I do the best I can.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Wednesday!

    Just realized out of the last 36-days, I have beenhouse-3-smiley-emoticon-emoji.pngfor 8-days. No wonder my sleeping and eating pattens are all messed up! Here's to staying home (at least till ourt07010.giftrip) so I can get back on MFP track as well as get this house ready to sell!!!!!

    Sorry to report that all this being away from home has added 5 pounds back on. :scream: And to add further insult, myt31130.gifwas stolen off the back porch while I was in New Mexico. The dirty dogs left Hubby’s racing bike and took my old war horse with the fat tires and tractor seat. :rage:

    high-five-smiley-emoticon.gifCongratulations to all who had a losing week!!

    t4437.gifGood job to all who were able to maintain this week!!

    t0811.gif And prayers for all of us that gain this week that we will have a better next week!!

  • ustillcan
    Hi all-
    I was sick last week and didn't post, also lost several days of any kind of exercise. But I'm much better now and was pleased the scale went down 1 lb in spite of not much exercise. First pound lost in almost a month!

    I'm also trying to get a least a couple more pounds off before the holidays that are coming our way ready or not. Will really need to focus to hold on to my

    Hope we all have a good - healthy - week!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Well I am back logging and would you believe it? I am down almost 6 lbs in one week. The "clean up of the diet" effect. It is very encouraging even if I know I can't keep it up at that rate. My old average of .7 lbs hopefully will kick in and I can get down to a weight I can live with again soon.

    I am now retired and thought I should have more time for gym etc. We have been traveling the state and hiking the Rockies more but no gym time yet. I am doing Zumba again, I'm sure that helped out too.

    Glad to see old friends in here and hope to get to know the newer members as well. I have been pretty much absent since last spring. I will try to check in every Wed. as that seems like a good way to reflect on what is happening.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi; I'm back. Again.

    After several vacations, and a lot of procrastinating about exercise.......
    I'm right where I started when I joined the first time. *hangs head*

    I'll keep this short, because I need to *gasp* go do some laps on the stationary bike.

    :| Kind of embarrassed about my lack of committment to this.... story of my life..

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    @Cris - the good news is that you're not 20 pounds heavier than when you started!!!! Glad to see your post & hope you enjoy the benefits of your bike ride! bike-101.gif
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome back Cris.......now...stop messing about and get with it.....lol....we have all been there at some stage...good that you have decided to come back .... :star:

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited October 2014
    Cris, I heartily agree with the points made - (a) you have maintained and not gained and (b) you are here! Today is the only day we have - glad you are here today!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    ....hi everybody; hope you're having a good weekend!
    Is it just ME or is the FOOD thing not working properly? It seems to take me forever to add my foods for the day..it just grinds away slowwwwly. I mean, Geez. I am NOT getting any younger, y'know?


    Oh, Good news. I re-weighed myself and I am actually 3 lbs lower than when I started here...so. That's a good thing.
    I made chocolate chip cookies tonight though after dinner. Let's see...if I have one for breakfast with a banana...that's healthy, right?

    Sorry.. :p It was just the kind of day that BEGS for fresh cookies...

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    That's EXCELLENT, Cris! Reminds me of the times I used to give my boys homemade choco chip cookies for breakfast - i figured it was a ton healthier than doughnuts or half the quick breakfast stuff. Not sure about the banana though LOL