Protein and Exercise

msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
Hi everyone!

I've really started to ramp up my strength training as well as continuing with my leisurely cardio (I try not to be chronic but I really do enjoy sprinting and running) but I'm not sure about protein requirements of someone who is regularly exercising 4x a week.

I see some calculators indicate that a person training should eat 120-150g of protein per day, other calculators are much lower (75-80g range).

For all you paleo exercise-enthusiasts out there, how much protein do you eat per day?

(Currently I weigh 169 and my goal is to get to 135-140 by the end of January)

Thanks all!


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you are trying to build muscle you might want extra protein; however, listening to your body's cues usually works when it comes to protein consumption. I am close to your weight (maybe a few more pounds) and I aim for about 100 grams per day but some days are much higher, and some lower.

    Btw, periodic full effort sprints are AWESOME, that's not chronic cardio at all and fits with Primal lifestyle. Instead of prolonged running I often move leisurely and then run at full tilt, move leisurely, run at full tilt. I love the way it feels and winter is my best time for exercise as weather in the Arctic forces me into using my feet for my main transportation.

    I'm not crazy about time deadlines relating to numbers on the scale. Additionally, if you put on muscle you likely won't achieve the scale goal but you will achieve a BETTER health outcome than the number on the scale.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited October 2014