Ideas for future challenges...

Here's some ideas for what we could possibly use for future challenges:

- No fast food for a week
- No alcohol for a week
- No prepackaged meals for a week: everything must be made from scratch
- Try one new food that you have never tried before every day of the week
- Replace a favourite daily TV show episode with a walk around your area (for the duration of that show)
- 10,000 steps a day (pedometer required)

Does anyone else have any ideas?


  • mellyboobear
    mellyboobear Posts: 117 Member
    oh goodness you added the processed foods in there... I guess I wont eat that week! lol =]
    -drink ____ amount of water everyday
    -learn something new about nutrition/wellness/fitness/health everyday for a week
    -eat at least one fruit/veggie per day =]