Trying Again

contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
Some time ago I tried the paleo diet. I stuck to it for about 3 months, only making exception for whey protein shake mix (and when eating out with the family, which is rare). I saw decent results from it over the course of those 3 months. My original reasons for doing it were because the paleo diet is very similar to a diet often prescribed to people with neurological Autism-spectrum disorders, which I have. I ended up breaking away from it when I had a health scare and ended up in the hospital that I was originally worried might be related to the diet. It turned out to be unrelated, and when I got out, I just never picked it back up.

I'm going to be starting back up again, but as with last time I won't be 100% compliant. I do intend on going supplement-free though, and the exceptions I intend on making this time will be for legumes (okay, peanut butter), rice, and oats. My reasons for making these exceptions revolve partially around trying to stretch food budget and because while I was doing it last time I had a semi-lightheaded feeling that was almost constant throughout the whole 3 months. Hopefully making these exceptions will alleviate that.

EDIT: I do still have some non-paleo compliant foods left which I won't let go to waste =P


  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Good luck to you! I'm working to pick it back up again too. It makes me feel a lot better, but it's easy to forget that when shoving pizza in my mouth. :)