New to group and to Paleo



  • sarabeth624
    sarabeth624 Posts: 33 Member
    If you are just starting out, worry about the food, not the calories. A lot of people find they can eat more on paleo because their bodies are not as stressed. Track out of curiosity, not out of trying to stay below X number. Learn how good nutrition treats your body. Starting at 1200 cal is going to make you faileo.
  • ElisaMicciulli
    ElisaMicciulli Posts: 41 Member
    I hear what you are all saying, and thank you for the advice. I am on day 18 of Paleo and so far, the first two weeks, I gained almost a pound. The last 4 days, I managed to drop the exact amount, so I am back to the starting Paleo weight. The only difference between the first 14 days and the last 4 days, is that I started tracking what I was eating and went from whole egg omelettes to egg white omelettes. One suggestion I got from one of the sites is, it I see I am not losing on Paleo, track the caloric intake in myfitnesspal.. so the recommended calorie intake on myfitnesspal is 1200. In addition to being healthy, I HAVE to lose this extra 30 pounds. There is no where else to cut corners. For example, Breakfast was an apple. For lunch I am having 3 ounces of flounder, sauteed organic Kale, Chard, Spinach, Broccoli and mushrooms, 1 tiny organic sweet potato with cinnamon and drink water. And for dinner, I will have grilled chicken with the same green veggies and no sweet potato. Any other suggestions on what I can eat that will help? I appreciate the advice :)
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Great food choices except the apple for breakfast. More protein for breakfast would be of benefit as well. Try not to get too tied up in the calorie counting area and focus more on becoming healthy.

    Day 18 of Paleo and you do seem to be doing really well. How have you managed to quit alcohol, sugar, cheese and bread so easily? The health benefits will be amazing and I admire your determination.
  • ElisaMicciulli
    ElisaMicciulli Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks LeenaGee. I don't normally drink alcohol; only on occasion, if any so that was not an issue. The bread and cheese are VERY difficult. I LOVE LOVE cheese. I cold turkey cut it out of my diet along with the bread. I do feel proud that I am doing well. It's not easy since my husband and children are all not on board with the Paleo. So I have been making them their usual foods and I eat my own Paleo foods. They'll have pizza and soda while I have a Kale salad with water. It bothers me that they don't want to try, but if I can't get my husband to eat what I eat, I can't make my children eat it either. Last week I bought ezekiel bread to make them sandwiches for lunch and they all freaked out and didn't eat sandwiches at all. I ended up throwing it away and just buying regular bread for them this week. My mindset right now is very focused on getting healthy and losing this extra weight. I will keep trying to get my family on board with me. In the meantime, I am cooking them organic foods rather than the regular meats I used to buy. I am using coconut and almond flour rather than bread crumbs. Hopefully soon, I can transition them to cut out the sugar and bread.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Obsessing with the scale and panicking because you gained a pound after starting Paleo is not helpful. The body fluctuates every single day by as much as 5 pounds, even more. You did not lose a pound because you gave up whole eggs. Sorry you didn't. And you will find that 1200 might make you lose a bit quicker now.... because you will be losing lbm too. Yup, looks great on the scale but is a fail for your body composition, metabolism and overall health for the long term. Been there, did it. Everything you think you know about "dieting" failed before right (as in you gained the weight back)? When you come to Paleo it's time to check those myths at the door.

    With 30 pounds to lose you should NOT be eating 1200 calories... or do you mean you want to lose15 pounds of fat and 15 pounds of muscle? Let me guess you have entered the goal to lose 2 pounds per week?

    If you insist on starving you won't like much of the advice you get here, or at least from me. But don't worry, I'll give up and shut up soon.

    There are other ways to "cut corners" or "be the healthiest you can be". Cut the sugar. Eat enough. Have a healthy, active lifestyle. Get rid of the scale. Measure your body. Listen to your body. Be committed to health (not a number on a device). Have patience.
  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    If the calorie difference between a whole egg and an egg white weighs on your mind, though, why not add a little exercise? How long would it take you to burn that extra .... what is it, like 30 calories per egg yolk? Maybe that would help you not worry about that number, and a less stressed mind is a less stressed body and that's a body that can let go of stored fat.
  • ElisaMicciulli
    ElisaMicciulli Posts: 41 Member
    You are all giving great advice and is sounds so do-able. And yes, I am trying for a quick fix at losing the weight....but I do want to keep it off and I do want to be healthly. I will forget about the quick fixes and really try to focus on health and hopefully this will work out. I'm trying not to give excuses, but between full time work, three kids, preparing dinner the second I get home, checking homework reading with my son and preparing night routines, once I am done with the daily schedule, it is about 8-8:30pm and from being up at 6am, I am pooped and all I want to do it sit onthe couch and unwind. The last thing on my mind is exercise. I try to get up from my desk every hour or so at work to walk a minute or two, I try to take the stairs rather than the elevator. I'll even jog in place in my house for a few minutes just to get some calories burning, but I don't have time to schedule exercise (and I will admit, a HUGE part of me doesn't want to...)

    Thank you everyone, please don't stop giving advice, I am truly listening to every word. :-)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    With your busy lifestyle it is even more detrimental to be under-eating and under-nourishing yourself. I am a single parent and I get the busyness. I cook everything from scratch, raise a high needs child, look after my dogs, and some of my neighbours dogs, plus work full time, etc. Even without exercising (obviously you are moving your body around) you still need to eat more.

    You want rapid weight loss, inadequate nourishment and have excuses for not exercising. Yet you are somewhat active. How about moving without worrying about "calories burned"? Also, playing with your child IS exercise too. Exercise does not have to be in a gym.

    There is FAR MORE GOING ON than just calories in and out. I'm not saying that you can't track or keep an eye on calories/macros etc but what you are doing is unhealthy and unsustainable.

    You seem to be looking for strategies to fend off hunger instead of the obvious solution of just eating more healthy foods.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Akimajuktuq, I for one love your replies. Straight to the point and you are helping put me back on track and I am so pleased OP is listening as we can all learn a lot from you.

    I was on a healthy lifestyle forum once and those beautiful people listed all the diets they had been on. It was heartbreaking as between them they had done every diet imaginable and each person put the weight straight back on and some extra as well. The basic fact is "diets don't work." The only reason I left that site, along with many others, was that it became a paid site.

    Famur5ive, say nothing to your family about what you are doing but simply and quietly introduce fresh, healthy foods into their diets. Very hard to convert people who are not interested but children (and your husband) will gain so much from your style of eating without even noticing the difference. My family eat what I eat but have not given up bread. Over the years, I have had them drinking all kinds of juices and loving them and they don't even notice some of the more healthy choices that I make whilst cooking.

    As I said before, you are doing really well and it will get easier but please move away from the diet mentality completely and concentrate on healthy eating.
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    Famuv5ive, when I first started trying to lose weight, many years ago, I did the my dinner, their dinner thing. It very quickly drove me crazy and I always ended up throwing in the towel and eating what they were eating. It is exhausting cooking two dinners every night and then watching them eat things I could not. You are just setting yourself up to fail in my opinion.

    Now, we have one meal for everyone. Period. I do try to make things I know they will like. Buffalo chicken, meatloaf, hamburgers, etc. Fortunately my kids have always been good salad eaters so that works out for me. (Do not tell them the lettuce is kale or spinach. Start by adding a small amount of darker greens to each salad and eventually you may be able to drop the iceberg entirely.) For other vegetables, I always make two and make sure each kid has one they like. One kid will eat carrots and the other will eat green beans, then I make carrots and green beans and I get to eat both.

    On the nights I make something they don't like they know where to find the almond butter and fruit spread. LOL. I still have not won the bread battle but I still have hopes.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Thank you for the kind words, LeenaGee. I'm blunt and honest about what I think, which sometimes comes across harsh; and my feathers do get ruffled on some topics certainly. I am by no means "Perfect Paleo" (someone called me "Perfect Paleo Princess" in this forum once! lol) but I will always give the most accurate information and honest opinion based on my own experience that I can. It's all about health and sustainability (aka permanent lifestyle) or Paleo is a fail.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited October 2014
    I actually find your honestly refreshing and I understand that most of us are in a hurry and need to get our point across as quickly as possible and it can come out harsh. But I can see you care and have failings the same as the rest of us and are trying to help others to not make the same mistakes.
    "Perfect Paleo Princess," that is priceless and very hard to live up to in the world we live in with so many
  • ElisaMicciulli
    ElisaMicciulli Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the support all of you. I am slowly working on your sugestions. Getting out of the 'dieting' mindset is extremely difficult but I am trying. Two of my three kids are VERY picky. Only my oldest will try everything and eats most vegetables. My younger two eat no vegetables and no fruit, even though I make vegetables with every meal and ALWAYS have fruit in the house in plain sight. It's a tough slow process, but I am not giving up.

    Thank you all again! :-)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited October 2014
    famuv5ive, if you are a busy person, then the best way I have found to deal with the time crunch during the week is batch cooking. Take a few hours aside on the weekend and make up what you need and take some of that stress out of it. The stress alone can stop you from losing anything. I am also in agreement with everyone about the 1200 calorie thing, and not eating whole eggs. Not going to work for a younger active person. That is supposed to be without you doing ANYTHING! Like if you laid in bed all week. I track, to keep myself in check because I need to adjust macros and to make sure I am not way over-doing it, but you will do better to use a more reasonable way to get your calorie goal. This is one I have found.